Pastor Tony

Multiplication of Laborers
in the Body of Christ

Over 11 years of developing the Stealth Evangelism Program, Dunamis has established certain standards of excellence in training our students (Pastors and leaders) that ensures they become firmly grounded in this special soul winning technique. Which if they succeed in perfecting, will not only transform them into avid soul winners, but will also greatly increase the Kingdom of God with many new believers and ultimately help to accomplish the Great Commission thru multiplication of laborers in the body of Christ!

More Members = More Finances and
Manpower for Ministry

Pastors, if you will adhere to these standards we set before you as you are training your members, you can be assured of achieving great things in your church. First of all, your membership will grow exponentially through one on one evangelism by your members. When you have more members you will automatically have more finances and manpower for ministry in your church.

The Dunamis Standard is intended to assist those Pastors and leaders who have completed the Stealth Evangelism class themselves and are now ready to take the training back to their own churches using this same standard of quality.

Mandate – train and motivate pastors
to prioritize evangelism and discipleship

The Mandate the Lord has given Dunamis International School of Missions is to train and motivate pastors to prioritize evangelism and discipleship, so they can teach the Stealth Evangelism Program in their churches and give them a program of activities to implement after they’ve trained a group of their church members to be reapers, which will ensure perpetual soul winning and discipleship for years to come, Amen?

I was bridled by the Lord!

Recently in February and March of 2014 we rewrote both of our primary training manuals. Upon doing that the Lord said to me it’s ready. Meaning that it is now time to develop the training video so that the Stealth Program can be taken to the far corners of the earth for activation in churches worldwide. For years God has bridled me holding the reins back and telling me to wait that it wasn’t ready. Praise God that was hard for a guy like me to be bridled. I wanted to run, but thank God for the Holy Spirit that keeps us in line. When the manuals were completed I knew in my Spirit that a new day was being birthed and we were about to embark on a new adventure with the Lord. That God was about to bring renewed hope to desperate pastors with dying churches (churches that continue diminishing in numbers instead of multiplying and growing in members), all over the world. He also released a fresh anointing to develop relationships with the Bishops and organization heads that hold the keys to reaching the pastors and encouraging them to come and receive this awesome training.

Secretary General of the National Auxiliary Chaplains of the Philippines awed
by Stealth Evangelism

I want to share with you about one such organization head that God brought to us to train even while I was here in the US. The instructors were, our School Coordinator Pastora Remy Mordeno and Pastor Ted Macalagay, one of our students we trained several months ago. He is the pastor of Jesus Our Shalom Ministries and a Professor at Saint Dominic College of Asia in Manila, and a Professor at Baptist Bible College of Asia. This was his first time to train pastors in our school. There were 10 Filipino Chaplains in attendance, one of them was Pastora Estarlina Polumpa, Secretary General of the National Auxiliary Chaplains of the Philippines. Which has a current membership of 43,757 chaplains. (We have a lot more training to do!) The following is her testimony after taking our Stealth Evangelism Program.



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81


Pastora Estarlina

Pastora Estarlina witnessing during a street evangelism practicum training session in the school.

 “Strategy to easily attain our goal in the NACPHIL Chaplaincy Program to occupy
the whole Philippines for Christ!”

Pastora Estarlina Polumpa
Secretary General of the National Auxiliary Chaplains of the Philippines (NACPHIL)

I read a brochure of the Dunamis International School of Missions sometime in 2004. Yes, I was attracted by the way the system was presented but I CAN HARDLY BELIEVE that you can win souls in 5-7 minutes. Years passed by, and I forgot everything about the Dunamis, until one day, I had an encounter with Pastora Remy and I began to recall the day I first got information about Dunamis. I was so thankful when she recommended a special seminar for the NACPHIL chaplains. I exerted just a very little effort in inviting the chaplains because I wanted to see it for myself and gain the confidence to discuss it with the chaplains.

Curiosity is my first purpose. On my first night of stay in the Dunamis School, all the negative things that had cropped up in my mind began to disappear. I began to appreciate all the things that were happening and what I continuously observed during our day to day activities.

-The little amount of money (registration fee) spent for the seminar which is P300 pesos (or $7) is too short for the 3 days of meals, accommodations, training materials, and all the amenities that we enjoyed.

– The Stealth Evangelism technique that was introduced to us is really viable, enjoyable, interesting and amazing compared to all the evangelism strategies that I have known and personally encountered and applied;

-I am really touched by the thoughts that God gave this kind of evangelism technique to add to what our chaplains are already doing in the field;

– This technique is really worth sharing in every church to be able to enhance their evangelism techniques and eventually expand their territory (make their churches grow)

-When I graduate from this course, I will add this good news to my routine of calling and discussing to all chaplains nationwide that God, because of His amazing grace, gave a wonderful strategy to easily attain our goal in the NACPHIL Chaplaincy Program to occupy the whole Philippines for Christ!””

– I continuously pray that Dunamis Intl School of Missions will help more and more army of God to make soul winning a very easy task to fulfill God’s mandate to disciple the whole nation!

I pray further that God will bless all the people behind Dunamis Intl School of Missions (this includes you, our partners!) led by its founder, Pastor Tony Poole and his family, that they may attain peace and prosperity in their entire life. AMEN!

How can you help?

You can support Dunamis monthly, helping us bring Stealth Evangelism mobile training seminars to as many pastors and leaders on different Islands of the Philippines and other nations here in Asia and around the world! We need to increase our budget by at least $5,000 a month to insure our ability to take these seminars to more of these pastors every week.

Friends, the eternal opportunity to sow into millions of souls and thousands of pastors living below the poverty level is at hand. We must remember the only things we can take to heaven are the souls of men.

You can exchange the temporal for the eternal when you sow into the Kingdom of God towards the fulfillment of the Great Commission. Please prayerfully consider doing what you can and partner with us to help.

Love you all, Tony and Calli Poole



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81


Student with Ptra. Remy

“It was like someone is giving me
a million pesos!”

Michael Guerra
Youth Leader
Son of Pastor Manny Guerra, Nacphil Chaplain

I have a huge thanks for attending the Stealth Evangelism Course, because it is a great spiritual blessing for me.

While praying, I felt in my heart God was telling me, “I am giving you not only a big thing but a great thing and I am entrusting this to you!” I was perplexed, and I remembered the Bible said, “If you can be trusted in small things, you can also be trusted in bigger things.” And I said WOW! It was like someone is giving me a million pesos! I was happy but asked why I will be given this? Then God showed me the faces of different people in my life, whom for a long time I was so eager to share the Gospel with them. But it was because of fear of rejection from my friends and relatives that stopped me and I don’t know how to start or what to say to them.

But in my first practicum, the very first time I was able to witness. The first person sitting on the gutter with a coffee mug. I approached him and asked questions to build relationship. He continued to sip his coffee until I asked, “Are you born again?” He stared at me and said he wanted to leave, but i told him, “Please stay until you have finished your coffee.” So he stayed and I continued, but regularly checked if his coffee is done. We reached the stage of the prayer of acceptance and he was already smiling with joy when he answered where Jesus is, “He is in my heart!”

I recalled my friends who are not yet saved, and this time I am sure that I can share with them. If I am able to share with a stranger, I am more confident that I can do the same with my friends.

I am a very shy person, an introvert, but with the Stealth Evangelism Program, I was able to overcome!.
I thank Dunamis, Pastor Al and Pastora Remy for their patience in assisting me in the practicum as in the beginning I had difficulty in establishing relationships and approaching strangers.

God bless Dunamis more than we can imagine. Praise God!

Translated from Tagalog

“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
Let’s do it together!

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