Tony and Calli

Two Weeks to the deadline!

Praise God we are only 2 weeks now from the deadline for the renewal of our note on the mission center. At this point and time we have received $10,600 of the $20,000 that we really needed to apply to the principal of the note. When we reduce the note by $20,000 it will lower our monthly payment to where our Social Security will cover the payment each month for the next 12 months. We’ve always had to add money to it to cover the payments. I know that many of you can witness with being that close on your money budget that it would make a big difference to you each month if you were to accomplish a reduction in your monthly overhead.

Calli and I don’t mind sowing our SS for the ministry. It would just mean so much to us if it completely took care of the mission center payment. Please pray and ask the Lord if you should be a part of making this happen. God is our provider just as He is yours. We know that we’ll survive regardless, but ya’ll could make a couple of missionaries’ lives a little better if we could band together this year and do this. We love you all and appreciate you so much for the sacrifices that you have made for all these years that we’ve been here (11 years come March).

Love to you all, Tony & Calli



Praise report!!!

Received the Mac Pro we needed!

We received the funds immediately after the appeal went out for the equipment we needed to help put the Stealth Evangelism Video Training Program together! Within 48 hours we had enough for the computer, external hard drive and software pictured above, plus a little extra to help with the labor cost of a camera man that is helping us set things up and doing part of the videoing and the editing. What a mighty God we serve!

Our daughter Krystel was in Amarillo. The company she works for sent her back there for some training (this was another miracle in itself!) So we were able to purchase the things we needed and she brought them back to us. It’s amazing how much cheaper electronics are in the US. This was such a great opportunity.

We can’t Praise the Lord enough for all He is doing right now, getting things ready and downloading in us the wisdom to complete this program under His direction and guidance. Personally I can feel an increase in anointing and clarity coming on all of us that are working on this. Get ready we are moving into a new era of ministry that will touch many nations, Amen, Amen, Amen!



We want to thank all of you that donated your used cell phones to us. We are in the process of getting them unlocked and functional here in the Philippines. Many of them were better than the one’s we’ve been using for a long time and will be of great help and save us quite a lot of money not having to buy new phones.

Manila is such a large metropolis with such a great population it is vital we stay in communication with each other. Even a simple trip to the grocery store can be an opportunity to get lost from each other if we didn’t have phones to stay connected.

God is good all the time and supplies us what we need when we need it! Thanks again for your thoughtfulness and generosity. God bless you! Love, Calli




donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81





Last week’s class at Dunamis

Excited and ready to go back

and train their churches!

We had 21 pastors, and leaders attend Batch #74 this last week. They won 1,123 people to the Lord during their training exercises out in the city. Nine of the pastors came from Ilocos Sur about 8 hours by car from Manila. They are provincial pastors and it is a hard trip for them to come here and take the training. Regardless they came. Another thing it cost each of them about P1,000 in travel fare to get here. That’s about $25.00 US. I was taken back at their zeal for the class and so blessed by the commitment of these wonderful men and women of God. I know they will train many people there in Ilocos to win souls and that region will be impacted for the Lord. They also indicated that they were going to try to put together a mobile mission for us where we take the Stealth Evangelism Program to them and trying about 50 of the pastors and leaders up there.



Pastor Noel S. Erese (left) at Dunamis graduation last week
and (right) sharing the Gospel with a woman on the street.

Ambushing people in the street! …

with Jesus’ words!

Pastor Noel S. Erese, Senior Pastor, Cells Alive Christian Fellowship, Cainta, Rizal, Philippines.

My coming to Dunamis School of Missions was motivated by two reasons. First, my hunger for a more passionate heart for evangelism or soul winning. Second, my search for a more simple and effective way to present the Gospel. I was intrigued by the “Stealth” way of evangelizing. I can say that I achieved my two goals!

First, the passion to share the Gospel increased as we went out on practicum in public places. It’s never happened before that I was able to present the Gospel, one on one, 25 times and win 46 souls in four different communities for a total of 8 hours of evangelism. (I mean ambushing people in the street to first build a relationship with them and then ask them if they are born again!) That was an experience that was boosted my confidence and buildt my ability to evangelize even total strangers.

Second, I found the Stealth Evangelism strategy as the simplest, most effective way to present the Gospel undetected. People realized that it’s a Gospel presentation only after the scriptures were being read, by then it was too late. Their hearts had already been penetrated by Jesus’ words! This strategy will also encourage more leaders to participate in the training as the presentation is simple, brief but effective. They will want to train their own members.

Thank you Lord! Thank you Dunamis!




Left: Pastor Wilhelm Verjom witnessing to two girls outside their school.
Right: During graduation at Dunamis

The permanent change in me is…


Pastor Wilhelm Verjom, Associate and Youth Pastor, Cells Alive Christian Fellowship, Cainta, Rizal, Philippines.

I praise God that I was able to come to Dunamis despite the heavy rains in our area. (Note: “heavy rains” in the Philippines means flooding and difficulties in transportation.) The technique of Stealth Evangelism I was taught at Dunamis is the most effective tool I’ve ever learned based on my past experience. I learned the shortest way of presenting the Gospel with a powerful responsive impact from the listener.

Very quick way to build cell groups and ultimately build the church through the harvest. This technique is simple and sharp and we can duplicate the quality and standards by following the guidelines of the manuals. I believe that this will cause our church to grow in numbers very fast through perpetual soul winning by committed reapers that I will train when I go back to our congregation.

The permanent change in me is the confidence that I have a sharp sickle now to share to our church members and to use it personally as my lifestyle in doing missions. God has changed my heart and my outlook to the forgotten people in our place and has developed my understanding about strategic ministry growth. Therefore, I highly recommend Dunamis to my fellow pastors and workers in the Lord!




donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81



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