Revival is already at hand!

Pastor Rey Marzo sharing with woman on the street and praying with a man as he receives Jesus in his heart.


Pastor Rey Marzo, Victory Church International
Christian Ministries, Cogeo, Antipolo City, Philippines

After I was born again I began to preach on the streets and in buses, two years later I pioneered a church, and worked a secular job. The only evangelism tools I used was by invitation and open Bible studies. I’ve now been pastoring for 12 years and my church has 150 members. I’ve adopted several evangelism techniques yet our church growth has been so slow. Like most pastors I have been praying for revival constantly. I have attended so many seminars and although they have helped me, just not enough to make a difference. I praise God for giving many workers to back me up in inviting souls, but even their numbers are not the solution, because we have no effective evangelism tools so that I could consume the power of my disciples. Just the last quarter of 2011 we planted 4 satellite churches and I believed that this would be the beginning of the revival that I have been praying for. My burden for revival became larger and larger and I prayed even more because of the weight on my shoulders. In all this I believe “to God nothing is impossible!”

Just last week, Ptr. Tony Poole visited in our church and invited me to attend the “Stealth Evangelism Program”. I prayed that this program would help me. Even though I was hesitant to join because of other commitments. I graduated this Friday full of excitement and expectation that this “Stealth Evangelism Program” is the answer to my years of prayer for revival. I witnessed how just 9 pastors and leaders won 1,897 souls to the Lord in approximately 9 hours of street evangelism here in Manila. I saw an 18 year old girl win 565 people to the Lord. I am now very excited to go home and start this program and I claim and believe that revival is already at hand. Amen! Thank you Jesus!

January 2012 Newsletter

January 2012 Newsletter

[one_third][/one_third]As we begin this New Year, my heart is full of thanks. Thanks to the Lord for all He has done, His grace, His faithfulness, His unending and unconditional love. I’m so thankful He called us to this work here in the Philippines. And I thank all of you, our precious friends and partners in this ministry for your love and support.

Thank you all so much for responding to my distress call that went out right before Christmas. Things just kept getting tighter until I just had to e-mail you. Praise the Lord, He is continuing to meet our needs. He is forever faithful. Thank you again for all your help! You are such a blessing.

Speaking of thanks, we got a note from one of our partners this week and I just wanted to share a bit of it with you because I know that you all are a part of the “supply line” God has used with us and you all are “co-recipients” in everything we will reap”!


Together we are  “Disciples Making a Difference”

 Tony & Calli

…I want to thank for choosing to invest your time and resources in the Philippines to impart God’s salvation and love to those whose lives you touch through your diligent efforts. You truly are Disciples that have made a Difference for Jesus!

Because you chose to serve, many others are forever impacted by the life changing experience of encountering Jesus as a real person who dearly loves and cares for all people. Yours has been an eternal work with eternal impact for you and your partners. Because you sacrificed the comfort of living in the US for the challenge of taking the Gospel into the harvest field, both you and I have earned investments and rewards in heaven that neither rust nor moth can take away from us. Without your decision to serve, there would be no opportunity to partner and invest in God’s work through you.

Also the impact of your hard work in the lives of others will continue on as the seeds of God’s love and hope, that you helped to plant, will continue to impact others in this generation and in future generations to come. The harvest does stop with your direct efforts, but by the Holy Spirit, the harvest will continue on exponentially! How great is that!!

What a blessing and what a tremendous “forever” return it is for us to partner with servants like yourself that “occupy” the frontlines of the ongoing battle for the hearts and souls of those who would be lost forever without the hope and knowledge of the saving grace of Jesus Christ ! I know that as part of your “supply line” all these years that (we) are co-recipients of all that you have sown and of all that you shall reap for generations to come as your good work continues through the lives of those that you have impacted!

Together we are “Disciples Making A Difference” for Jesus in a lost world. Thank you so much for the privilege of standing side by side with you in running this race to share the love of Christ with the lost, the hurting, and the forgotten! Blessings,

(from one of our partners in faith!)


donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International
P.O. Box 30487
Amarillo, TX 79120
In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island
Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions
Account No. : 1761-0035-81


[/one_half]Happy New Year! I pray you enjoyed Jesus in this season. The culture we’ve seen here in Manila sure embraces the holidays; they slow down to enjoy it. Jesus is worth our time in 2012, and He has good plans to reveal to His children! This year, He wants to reveal confidence to us in a new way!

Confidence. We all want it. We admire it in others. We desire our children to have it. Confidence is having faith that you’ll be successful. True confidence comes from the Lord. The beloved verse Isaiah 40:31 encourages us that “…they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength…(KJV)” The word “wait” in the Hebrew also means “to expect, hope.” Trusting, expecting, and hoping in the Lord renews our strength! The word “strength” in the Hebrew also means “ability and power.” Keeping our focus on Jesus fills us with His power! A key to confidence is focusing and calling out to the Lord!

Webster’s online dictionary includes a definition of “confidence” as “faith or belief that one will act in a right, proper, or effective way.” Our confidence is in the Lord, and it’s such a blessing to see the confidence of pastors and leaders soar when they come take the Stealth Evangelism Training at Dunamis! One of the main reasons people don’t try to win souls is fear of man, and another is not knowing what to say. The training Pastor Tony Poole has developed equips you to share Jesus in an easy, effective, and powerful way. Just 2 days ago, I led another gate guard close to our house in a prayer to get born again! As I thanked Jesus, He spoke to my heart.

He reminded me about how thru the years I’ve had a heart to see people born again. I had led over 50 people to Jesus from 1996 to 2010. I praise the Lord for each soul, but many times I wouldn’t witness out of fear. At other times, I just didn’t know what to say. When I took the Stealth training in the Summer of 2010, that drastically changed! My confidence soared! In the 18 months since, I’ve led over 120 people to Jesus using the Stealth training I learned at Dunamis. What an increase!

Each time a new training is completed, we ask how many of the pastors were scared before we took them out on the streets to witness. Each time, the majority of those in the class will raise their hands. But, they almost all testify their confidence has grown as they’ve seen hundreds and hundreds get born again! It’s so wonderful being part of this ministry to see so many souls saved each month! It’s also thrilling to see Christians set free from fear! Praise God for such a witnessing tool!

Thank you for being a part of Dunamis International School of Missions! You’re helping build confidence in pastors, leaders, and other Christians here in the Philippines. May your confidence grow in the Lord in 2012, and may He reveal more of the good plans He has for you!

Lord bless, Pastor Steve Hill

Pastor Rey Marzo sharing with woman on the street and praying with a man as he receives Jesus in his heart.


Revival is already at hand!

Pastor Rey Marzo, Victory Church International
Christian Ministries, Cogeo, Antipolo City, Philippines

After I was born again I began to preach on the streets and in buses, two years later I pioneered a church, and worked a secular job. The only evangelism tools I used was by invitation and open Bible studies. I’ve now been pastoring for 12 years and my church has 150 members. I’ve adopted several evangelism techniques yet our church growth has been so slow. Like most pastors I have been praying for revival constantly. I have attended so many seminars and although they have helped me, just not enough to make a difference. I praise God for giving many workers to back me up in inviting souls, but even their numbers are not the solution, because we have no effective evangelism tools so that I could consume the power of my disciples. Just the last quarter of 2011 we planted 4 satellite churches and I believed that this would be the beginning of the revival that I have been praying for. My burden for revival became larger and larger and I prayed even more because of the weight on my shoulders. In all this I believe “to God nothing is impossible!”

Just last week, Ptr. Tony Poole visited in our church and invited me to attend the “Stealth Evangelism Program”. I prayed that this program would help me. Even though I was hesitant to join because of other commitments. I graduated this Friday full of excitement and expectation that this “Stealth Evangelism Program” is the answer to my years of prayer for revival. I witnessed how just 9 pastors and leaders won 1,897 souls to the Lord in approximately 9 hours of street evangelism here in Manila. I saw an 18 year old girl win 565 people to the Lord. I am now very excited to go home and start this program and I claim and believe that revival is already at hand. Amen! Thank you Jesus!

donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International
P.O. Box 30487
Amarillo, TX 79120
In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island
Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions
Account No. : 1761-0035-81

If you’ve seen it, watch it again and focus on what God is doing here in the Philippines!