The Watering Hole

Calli & I attended many pastors meetings at New Life Restoration in Hereford, Texas during our stay here in the US and we’ve been extremely blessed as always with the fellowship and spiritual growth we received from each visit. Pastor Dorman Duggan has hosted the Tuesday morning meetings for over 20 years.

Pastors come and share together what God is speaking to them in their daily walk. It’s always a blessing to hear what God is doing in each of their lives. I’ve never seen such unity and love amongst pastors of so diverse denominations in all our travels around the world. This is a good role model that could be adopted anywhere. Pastor Dorman seems tireless in his apostolic work, ministering to pastors and leaders from around the panhandle of Texas and New Mexico.

Dorman and Jani

These pastors come from all over to drink from God’s watering hole, and you’d be welcome to come and experience this blessing yourself. God bless Pastor Dorman and Jana his wife for giving so much to God’s men and women for so many years, their reward is great in the Kingdom of God.


We’ve got to hit the ground
running in the Philippines!

I recently received an email from Pastora Remy our coordinator in Manila, laying out some of the mobile missions that have been requested from pastors there in the Islands. It’s our desire to do at least one mobile seminar each month to add to our impact on the churches there in the Philippines. We feel that this is only the beginning and that God is turning up the dial on mobile missions because of their extreme impact in each region.

When we do a mobile seminar with 50 pastors and leaders represented, it means we impact 25 churches because we have 25 pastors and 25 leaders. Each pastor brings a leader to be his assistant in taking the training back to their church. The impact on each church with this strategy is phenomenal. They are able to go back to their home church and train some of their members with the same soul winning tool they just learned at our school. Then form a reapers club and delegate a captain in charge of the implementation of the programs. After being implemented they can generate a constant stream of new believers in their churches. The numbers are staggering. We have seen churches grow exponentially by the harvest of souls. When we do a 3 day seminar of that size there will be approximately 3,000 plus souls won during the seminar. Yes, that’s a WOW and those estimates are even low for a 50 man seminar. (We’ve been doing seminars for more than 10 years and it’s easy for us to calculate the potential results.) Each of these seminars cost us approximately $1,200.00 . It’s our desire to do one a month for the next year and God willing we will do even more as the Lord supplies the man power and finances to do them.



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81


heaven wtih people

What would you give for
a soul to go to Heaven?

Would you give $1,200 for 3,000 souls? That’s right, this is your opportunity to do just that. Now 3,000 souls is only the beginning. That is only the estimate of souls that will be won during the seminar. After each seminar those 25 pastors go back to their church and begin by training 10 people in each of their churches. This means we also have around 200 soul winners being trained and each of them will be winning souls for years to come. It creates a snowball effect with a river of souls coming into the Kingdom out of those churches. All of this starts with you sponsoring one seminar.

If we had 12 people doing a $100 a month we could start doing seminars every month. So pray about making an investment into the Kingdom of God and thousands of souls by doing something now! Today is the day of salvation. So far we have had $2,400 for two of the seminars donated. As soon as we return we will be able to schedule those two.

We need more partners right now so we can plan and execute all these seminars monthly during the coming year. Pastora Remy listed the following Islands and regions that have requested seminars to be done ASAP. You all know the old saying, “Strike while the Iron is hot!”




Luz Trio

“It sounded an alarm in my heart!”

Pastora Luz Rillo
Nacphil Chaplain, Batangas City
Senior Pastor

I’ve been doing missions for quite some time, but felt I’m not equipped enough. I was praying for more. My heart yearned for more knowledge about evangelism. For me, there is no word “enough” or “stop” in learning.

A week after a sweet whisper of prayer to God that He guide me to a better tool with the right program and right people, an invitation to attend this training at Dunamis came to me. It sounded an alarm in my heart! So I prayed and really worked on my hectic schedule to find time for this (it being almost 4 days of absence from my other commitments and home.) I asked God to help and make me come to the training EMPTY and TEACHABLE so I can be filled.

Honestly, one on one evangelism is my greatest weakness and fear. Thank God for arranging things because the only way I can overcome my fear is when I face them. Dunamis offered a new and easy way to help me do what I don’t want to do for years – one on one evangelism! Praise the Lord! The balance Dunamis put on this training is very helpful. You did not just teach us how to take home the harvest. You also taught us how TO PRESERVE THE HARVEST. With all these, I was inspired to review our church structure. Put EVANGELISM ON PRIORITY. Disciple more leaders/workers on these tools and I believe God will be happy! You hit the heart of Jesus, the purpose of His death and resurrection. I believe God will set the church on that less travelled road and we are willing to take it and put into practice. God bless all your efforts!

My thanksgiving to Pastor Tony Poole for believing in the Filipinos and helping us fulfill the mandate of Jesus. Thank you also to our diligent trainer, Pastora Remy, thank you for not giving up on me. Thank you to our monitor and driver, Pastor Al. I pray for God to give you the desires of your heart.

To the people behind the scenes, the kitchen staff (who cooked delicious food for us and kept the place pleasant for all the students); to the one driving the other van during the practicum. And of course to the sponsors whom we do not know. God bless you all and multiply all the seeds you planted in our lives through this training.



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81

“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
Let’s do it together!

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