
Batch 2109 – San Pedro, Laguna – November 12 & 13, 2021!

Giving Light to Unbelievers!
Fifty-six pastors and leaders with a burning desire to be empowered in The Great Commission had registered in our Stealth Evangelism Program. After more than three months of being under “Modified Quarantine” that restricts gatherings, they were so excited to do the field practicums and won over a thousand souls to the Lord. Three new Bible studies were opened and new ministry opportunities were tapped. They all claimed they had a breakthrough and most of the leaders were first-time soul winners in one-on-one soul winning. They all committed themselves to a lifestyle of evangelism. Truly, with or without pandemic, the 357 Magnum soul-winning technique never loses its power, nor has faded in giving light to unbelievers.

This tool had been very effective too as I used it during the funeral and burial rites of my father who died on October 25. What a way of saying goodbye to my father by declaring their acceptance of Jesus our Lord and Savior. Glory to God for the technique that is so easy to use and can be applied in any season to any type of audience. Be it devout Catholics or any denominational member. Praise the Lord forever more! — Pastora Remy Mordeno


Above and below: Witnessing on the streets of San Pedro


Note from Pastor Tony

It’s been difficult getting back into the groove of doing seminars after 2&1/2 months off traveling in the US, but it’s just like driving a car, you never forget and just step up and the Holy Spirit is faithful to give you the words to say in the hour you need to say them. These pastors and leaders were very hungry to learn how to win souls effectively! We want you to know that these seminars are in high demand and we are cranking back up as fast as we can. I spoke of needing to expand the school to 3 teams instead of one. It won’t be difficult except for the finances that it will take. It means, to do this, we will have to have 3 times what we have operated on in the past. Currently, we are down in finances by at least $1,000 from last year due to the effects of the Pandemic. Well, we have to raise our monthly by that $1,000.00 per month, just to be where we were last year. Then, we’ll need to raise another $5,000.00 per month to be able to support two more teams of trainers. Thing is, the amount of souls going into the Kingdom will astound all of you. We know that our impact right now is more than a million souls a year with just one team, so do the math. Do you want to help us accomplish this much need expansion and reach millions of souls in the years to come. 9/10’s of the world is lost y’all. We can’t let them go to hell without doing everything we can to reach them. This school of evangelism is anointed to reach the lost and train armies of soldiers. We can’t do this without you. For those of you that know Calli and I personally, you know we mean business. Our mission center is paid for, and all our vehicles are all paid for, when you sow, you sow directly into the reaching of souls. You can’t take anything to heaven when you die except the souls of men and women that you have helped get saved, so step up to the plate and hit one out of the park for the Great Commission that God has called all of us to fulfill. Love you all, and hope you will pray about giving your best effort to help us reach the multitudes! –Tony and Calli
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Just a few of the friends we got to see!


A Time for Friends

By Calli Poole

We were so thankful to get to see so many of our friends and family while we were in the States. We missed getting photos with so many of you. We were so excited to get to meet up with you, that we missed taking any pictures! Just please know we enjoyed every minute we got to spend with you and will treasure all the memories, pictures or not!

Spending time with family!


A Time for Family

Thank you to our daughter, Kari, and son, Cory, for making room for us at their places, and a big thanks to Fred and Irene Hughes in Amarillo for putting us up for a rather extended stay there. What kind and gracious hosts! We enjoyed visiting family and getting to spend time with some of our grandchildren.

Fishing in Colorado and Texas!


A Time for Fishing!

Thank you to all the guys who made it possible for Tony to get some much needed and longtime missed fishing in. George Neill, Don and Charlotte Heathcott, Robert Laird, Cory Shelton thank you so much.

And of course, thank you and may God bless you, George Grubbs III, for yet again loaning us a car during our trip. What an absolute blessing! I don’t know how we could manage such a trip without your kindness and generosity. Thank you, thank you, thank you!


New life Restoration in Hereford, and Hereford’s weekly pastor meeting


Gateway Church in Amarillo

A Time for Fellowship

Thank you to Pastor Dorman Dugan at New Life Restoration in Hereford and Pastor Tom Malone at Gateway in Amarillo for allowing us to share with your people. It was such a breath of fresh air to get to worship the Lord with you all.

We so enjoyed the fellowship with all the pastors at the Tuesday morning pastor meeting in Hereford. We were reminded how much we miss them every week. And thank you for all those who blessed us along the way. God is so good, we came home with the finances to purchase the equipment we need to begin the filming of the training video we have needed to record. Please pray for us now during its production that God’s Word will shine through it


This was our flight from Dallas to Japan. A little over 20 passengers on board,
and we still had to wear masks the whole time!! Hahaha!

A Time to Come Home!

We made it back home from our extended stay for two and a half months in the US. Once we arrived in the Philippines we had to quarantine for six days before we could go home, but that gave us a chance to relax and get over the jetlag somewhat. We were blessed that just before we came back they had cut the quarantine time almost in half! Praise the Lord!

It has been a bit difficult to return to the strict masks and plastic face shields we have to wear here. It was so nice to get to breathe for a few months! Pray they start to relax these mandates we have here. It is more relaxed in a lot of the smaller churches, but out in the public places, it is as strict as ever about wearing all that. Combine that with my glasses that continually fog up, and I can hardly see, Haha!

Update: Wow! Answered prayer as I am writing this! They just relaxed the mandate on face shields. They are no longer required! Just the face masks! Wow, thank you Lord! At least I can see better now!!

And they are allowing children to go out in public. They are supposed to be wearing face masks but we have found a few stores that will allow Wyatt in without one. It’s a little hard to keep a mask on a two year old!


Wyatt’s first time in a store in almost two years! There was a lot of “Wow”s Hahaha!


While I’m on the subject of Thanks…We pray you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!!
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“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
Let’s do it together!
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