New Dunamis Brochure Now Available!


This is the back and front of our 3 fold brochure that the staff uses here to promote the Stealth Evangelism Program in Churches, Pastor Association meetings, Pastor Conferences and seminars, religious meetings, and anywhere attended by pastors all around the Islands. It is a very effective tool and we thought it might be something all of you would like to see and study.

Stealth Evangelism Brochure

Stealth Evangelism Brochure Inside

CLICK HERE to view the brochure on a bigger size.




Dunamis is now accepting applications

for driver’s position.

• Must speak some English
• Must have driver’s license
• Basic Auto maintenance skills
• Must have knowledge of Manila driving
• Able to drive motorcycle a plus for running errands!

Live in position, six days a week- Mandatory Live In!

Call the office at 809-5633 and ask for Pastor Tony Poole or speak with Sonia or Elaine!





donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81





Left: Pastor Earnest Olonan witnessing to a young man on the street.
Right: Accepting Dunamis Metal for the Best presentation and results during graduation.

The Last shall be First!


When training pastors and leaders here at Dunamis, from time to time we have someone that has a difficult time getting started. Pastor Earnest Olonan was one of those! Something we learned over these years of training pastors is to not give up on them, just give them a helping hand and they generally will come back and finish at the top of the class. Pastor Ernest did just that. His first practicum he went on was really a disappointment to him. He came in last not witnessing to anyone. He just couldn’t make himself go up to a stranger and start a conversation with them. Thus, after 1 ½ hours of street evangelism it was 0 results. We spoke with him when he got back to the center and encouraged him, the next day when they went out again and I sent a monitor with him to back him up. He did really well. Then upon graduation Pastor Ernest won our coveted Dunamis Metal for the Best presentation and results. Yeah Pastor Ernest!


james olubalang

Pastor James Olubalang sharing with student on his way home after school.

“Soul winning – a way of life!”


Pastor James Olubalang, Pilgrim Bible Baptist Church, Philippines

It’s my intention to apply all that I’ve learned to the ministry of my church and members to take full advantage of the Dunamis Standard of evangelism and discipleship strategies that will insure perpetual soul winning in my church for years to come. This training has really changed my personal soul winning strategy, making soul winning a way of life for me and those that I train.

Now the Lord has changed my heart with a burden to share the Good News of salvation to all peoples. The seminar’s impact to me and the church God has entrusted to me is an increase of new converts and finances for the ministry. The permanent change in my life is to love and share the 357 Magnum tool to all races, people, and nations. My life will never be the same!



joshua cruz

Joshua leading a young man to the Lord during the class practicum.

“A fire lit in my heart!”


Joshua M. Cruz

My Senior Pastor had already taken the Stealth Evangelism Program before he invited me to attend the seminar myself. When he first invited me to go my schedule was too hectic so I planned to go on August 6th, 2013. I had 8 co-leaders scheduled to go with me but they failed to make the seminar, so it was only me. I had the address but found it difficult to find, but the staff at Dunamis helped me and I made it. How glad I am for the seminar was more than worth the effort to come. I had great expectations when I came and my expectations were more than met for I didn’t want to return with nothing to show for the 3 days I was putting into it.

The seminar brought me to a point where I received a self-esteem boost which for me was one of the most significant changes in my life. I feel that now I can accomplish more in the kingdom of God. I had a paradigm shift in my thinking about evangelism. Plus there’s been a fire lit in my heart that I can hardly express in words about the winning of the lost. This will turn our church upside down.

Boosting my self-esteem and the feeling I get from ministering to the forgotten people brings another permanent change in my life. All the graduates here should support Dunamis to help continue this amazing ministry to the pastors and leaders here in the Philippines.




donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81




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