Tonny Training Books

What an opportunity!

The new training manual on the left was just printed. We have 5,000 copies that we will train with in the upcoming months. This manual is also used by the pastors that train in the Stealth Evangelism Program to train their members in the “357 Magnum ” soul winning technique that is bringing revival to churches all over the Philippines. Once a pastor does a training in his church the Reapers Club that they set up will do perpetual soul winning from then on and will produce approximately 200 to 300 new souls per month which means 2,500 to 3,500 souls per year. So, these 5,000 manuals will generate several million souls in the upcoming years. Use your calculator the numbers are there. We have a long track record of success that says it’s so. Based on our experience there will be 100’s of church plants to come from the implementation of this program in the churches.

Our printer graciously agreed to print these manuals while we were raising the funds for them. They cost $1,500 and of course the printer needs to be paid. Where can you spend $1,500 for millions of souls my friends, and see hundreds of churches planted with such a small investment. The materials are just a piece of the investment we make, but it is crucial none the less.

So pray about making an eternal difference in millions of lives by purchasing these awesome manuals for us. You can go on line at and invest into these manuals right now. Or you can mail your check to Revival Fire Ministries International, PO Box 30487, Amarillo, Texas 79120. Thank you so much for partnering with us to reach the unreached.

Next Training in
Davao City, Mindanao
April 29 – May 2nd!

We have scheduled our next training in Davao City, Mindanao for April 29th thru May 2nd. This will be our 2nd training of Pastors and leaders there in God’s open door city to the nations. If you will remember in our last newsletter we were requesting monthly help in bringing the Stealth Evangelism Program to that Island which God prophesied several years ago during the Ramos Administration here that there would be a fire of evangelism that would come out of Mindanao and spread across the nations of the 10/40 Window and throughout the world. We believe we have a Mandate from God to be a part of this prophecy coming to fruition.

We have had this powerful motto in our school for the last 10 years, “Win the Philippines! Win the World!”  It’s now easy to see “why” this motto!  We need a lot more monthly supporters to accomplish the things that God has put in our hearts to do.  We are planning to do mobile missions all year in Mindanao in different locations as the Lord opens the doors. We will also continue with our classes here in Manila, so there is much need for more support. What army can fight the battles without continuous supplies, Amen? The next training we do in Mindanao will have 12 churches represented by their pastors and a leader from each church. Do you know what this actually means in the Kingdom? Each pastor and leader will be trained with the “357 Magnum” (Soul winning technique) and then trained with the strategies of how to build their church with the   harvest that comes through the activation of the members of their churches becoming avid soul winners and making soul winning a way of life. Wow, what a result. Each church represented has the potential of harvesting as many as 200-300 souls per month using these tools and strategies. If they only succeed in converting 10% of these into new members, they will add 30 people per month to their church. That is the power of the harvest! I don’t have enough space to share with you all the statistics that come from this but roughly each seminar we do can mean approximately 40,000 to 50,000 souls to the kingdom the first year and cause many churches to be planted from the harvest of souls.

What more important thing can you sow into than the building of the Kingdom of God?  Building the Kingdom of God should take a president over building our kingdoms on earth. When we die, we can’t take anything on earth with us, “EXCEPT THE SOULS OF MEN!” You can’t take churches, houses, cars, boats, businesses, gold or silver, absolutely nothing. So why is it, the souls of men sometimes has such a low priority in our hearts. We were all lost at one time, and should remember what it’s like and help others to find the Lord just as we did! Please think about your priorities. And if God leads you, come on board with financial help to reach the multitudes while we have this wonderful opportunity. You can start with $10, $30, $50, $100 a month or whatever God leads you to do. We have a partner that has sown into our ministry for many years. Being on a fixed income they started sowing $4 a month, and then were able to raise it to $5 per month. Calli and I get a good cry from time to time just thinking about their faithfulness in giving even though they are retired on SS. I know the Lord smiles when He sees their consistent faithfulness, don’t you? Watch Him smile when He sees your gift for these people’s eternal lives that you don’t even know. But they will know you for an eternity, you WILL see them in heaven. They will know you had a part in their salvation my friends. This is one of the reasons God says,” My ways are not your ways”, “My thoughts are not your thoughts”, because they will know you sowed into their salvation, it is beyond our understanding but none the less true, Amen? I said all that to say whatever you sow counts and means a lot to us here in the Philippines.

In case any of you are interested in these mobile missions, they cost about $360 plus our airfares, my lodging, and materials to do the training. That’s about $300. Anyone that knows anything about ministry will agree that takes good stewardship to train 24 pastors and leaders for 3 days and feed them and furnish their lodging and all materials for that cheap. We need people to start pledging monthly to give so we can schedule every month mobile seminars. We’d like to do 1 or 2 per month in addition to our home base training in Manila. Please pray about it and do what you can. Today is the day of salvation! Amen? Just call us or email us if you want to partner with us and let us know your part, we will   rejoice together in the salvation of the lost!

Love you all so much, Tony and Calli


Pastora Thess Continuado

Pastora Thess with a fellow Dunamis student getting ready to witness to people on the street.

“The Harvest is plenty!”

Pastora Thess Continuado, Senior Pastor
Psalm 23 International Ministries, San Andres, Manila

I am so amazed with this Dunamis ministry, training, and workshop. It was so great! In the 28 years of my Christian life I haven’t seen an excellent training like this in bringing souls to Jesus. The workshop and practicum were so great, and seeing all the lost souls won to Christ during our practicum was like the word of God that says “The Harvest is plenty!”

Thank God for Pastor Tony Poole. He is such a communicator, teacher, and his life burns with compassion for teaching pastors and leaders how to win souls for Christ! God bless you all.


Ronaliza B. Barredo

Ronaliza sharing her faith with a young man during the class practicum

“A new Soul Reaper was born!”

Ronaliza B. Barredo, Youth Leader at Jesus Christ King of Kings and Lord of Lords Church, Dasmariñas, Cavite

A vacation; that is what was in my mind before I entered into this Stealth Evangelism training. Honestly speaking, I didn’t know that I will be experiencing such a great and unforgettable breakthrough in my life. I was just told by our pastor to attend here…a new Soul Reaper was born!

The most valuable thing that I learned during my stay here in Dunamis is that my life will never be the same again. Learning the easiest yet most effective soul winning tool, I realized that I am not doing this just because it is required of me, but because I learned to have a passion to win souls for the Lord. I have always had a fear of socializing with other people, especially strangers. But the great news is….I am not that type of person anymore! This experience was unforgettable and I’m praying to the Lord to give me courage to echo this Stealth Evangelism Program to our church and other pastors.

God bless Ptr. Tony Poole and all the Dunamis Staff. More Power! More students! And especially more souls for the Lord! I am blessed indeed! Thank you Lord!


Pastora Nelia Baricawa

Pastora Nelia witnessing to a man at his gate.


“I now have courage and passion!”

Pastora Nelia Baricawa, Senior Pastor
Psalms 23 International Ministries, Catbalogan, Samar

I was blessed for coming here in Dunamis because all of the teachings of Ptr. Tony Poole were imparted in my life as a Christian. I thank God for his life because in only 3 days studying about evangelism I now have courage to share and passion for the souls. Especially your testimony about “Cora” the forgotten person, because I know that I have many “Coras” in my life especially my family, friends and other people who need Jesus in their life. Thanks Pastor Tony because now I can evangelize people in a proper way and in a very short time. Pastor Tony Poole of’re the best!!! God bless you always.



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81

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