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Stealth Evangelism via Web Cam!

Tony just trained a group over our web cam, right from our living room. They are in the Houston, Texas area where Tony and I will be early next month teaching a Stealth Evangelism Seminar. We needed some monitors to help us with the class when we get there, so we stayed up last night and worked with some great people. We are looking forward to meeting them and working with them in person soon!



Krystel Poole

Left: Krystel & Gracie enjoying some time outside. Right: Krystel witnessing to a group of children on the street while on one of the practicums during the Stealth Evangelism class she was taking part in.

A change in my life!

Our daughter Krystel Poole moved to Manila to join us at Dunamis. She along with her best pal Gracie arrived in July this year. She just recently completed the Stealth Evangelism training and the following is her testimony of the impact it has had on her life.

In this last week, I was part of class #59 in the Dunamis International School of Missions. We learned how to reach out to people and get them born again. It was awesome. I witnessed to many people. This is something I never thought I could do. For those that know me, you know how shy I can be. Growing up, I was always the loner and stayed away from crowds. I don’t talk much. At one time, to get me to talk to people I don’t know, would have been almost impossible. God has been doing wonders for me in getting me out of the shyness. At first, I was terrified to walk up to someone and start talking with them. However, God did a wonderful work. He showed me that getting out of my comfort zone was not scary at all. During the 4 practicums, with the Lords help, I was able to lead 72 people to the Lord. This is such an awesome and easy tool to learn and use. This will definitely make a huge impact and change in my life. I can’t wait to see what else God has in store for me. – Krystel Poole



Tony and Calli

The Sword of the Lord!

Today there are over 7 Billion people on the earth, of which there may be as many as 800 million born again Christians. That means that 9 out 10 people that you see on the earth are lost and destined for hell. As our Creator and Father this grieves our Lord’s heart. He’s given us weapons of warfare through men and woman of God all over the earth to wage war on the enemy for men’s souls.

One such weapon is the Stealth Evangelism Program that empowers pastors and leaders to not only win souls effectively, but gives them the program to multiply themselves through training their members with the same weapon and strategies to implement in their churches that will cause perpetual growth. Over the years we have discovered that the only difference between a sower and reaper is the sickle that you put in their hands. If the sickle is light, easy to use, and very sharp then anyone can take it and harvest the crop. So, when you go into the field and hand your sowers this easy to use sickle they can easily turn around and start harvesting. Young and old, strong and weak, educated and uneducated, rich and poor, bold and shy, no one is exempted. They can all do it.

The sickle we are talking about is the Sword of the Lord! When God gives you His sword to do battle, it still is up to you to wield the Sword and battle for men’s souls. Whether it be for one soul or nations of souls God is looking for the Remnant to wield His sword. Throughout the Word of God we see God using the Remnant to bring Glory to Himself. One such story is Gideon conquering the Midianite army of 120,000 men. Gideon came to God expecting Him to give him a larger army to defeat the enemy, but instead God had him send home the faint at heart and those that were halfhearted. All that was left of Gideon’s original 30,000 men were 300. With this Remnant God conquered the Midianites and He got the Glory, Amen?

Looking for the Remnant

Today, God is still looking for the Remnant to wage battle with. Those men and women who will lay down their lives for others in the quest to reach this lost world. We are in the mist of the battle over here and everywhere we go. We are building God’s army as fast as we can with what we have.

I want to be frank with all of you and tell you that we need more monthly support to keep the heat of the battle white hot on the kingdom of darkness. Satan wants to keep us underfunded so we can’t go to the Islands that we need to, and equip the pastors to wage war for men’s souls. It’s been prophesied over and over that the Philippines will be the launching pad for missions to the entire world. When we win the Philippines to the Lord we will have an army that can touch every nation of the world including the Middle East. Right now there are approximately 1 million Filipino’s in Saudi Arabia doing contract labor. Imagine if they were all born again. They would be living epistles right under the nose of Islam. Islam is putting its army right under our nose in the US.

We need to get serious about the reaching of every nation with the gospel. That is the only solution to our political and terroristic unrest. Get them saved and God will change them, Amen? We need your help desperately so we can extend to more battlefronts. God prophesied over us years ago that the Fire of Evangelism would jump from Island to Island until the Philippines was consumed. Please join us with your support to reach this world with the gospel.

Calli and I live on our social security, we don’t use the money for us, we need it for the thousands of pastors that we need to train which will ultimately mean millions of souls, Amen? Sometimes people think that they can’t give enough to make it count. But everything works together to make a big difference. If everyone could do something, whether it be just P100 or P500 or P1,000 a month or more, all of you together could make a big difference. Let’s kick the devil’s butt together this year and reach untold numbers of souls. Thank you for all you’ve done & let’s keep on keeping on.

Love you all, Tony and Calli




donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81




Batch #60 at Dunamis

I’m sorry to say that most of the pictures of our last two classes were lost from a computer accident in the office! But I couldn’t keep from including these selections from their testimonies. They were all such a blessing. Sorry there are no pictures to go with them. The following pastor attended the last class and brought several youth leaders from sister congregations around Manila and even beyond. – Calli

Ptr. Andy Barcel – Sr. Pastor, Psalms 23 Church Int’l. Ministry (Love Sector) Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

“My training here changed my perception in life… I felt that my love and passion for lost souls has been increased and my desire to reach out to them was intensified. I am so thankful that I was able to take this training even at my ripe age. This training gave me more confidence and skills now to witness more effectively.”

Ethel Gallano – Missionary, Psalms 23 Church Int’l. Ministry, General Trias, Cavite

“Learning the method of Stealth Evangelism made me overcome my fear of man, now I can witness to the lost and win them for Christ. It brings joy to my heart!”
Josan Nuñez – Youth Leader, Psalms 23 Church Int’l. Ministry, General Trias, Cavite
“I overcame the fear and shyness and I was amazed that I shared the words of God. The training was enjoyable because we applied immediately what we had learned and when we witnessed, many souls were saved! Now, confidence in myself was built and I have the boldness to share the words of God!”
Roy Espejo – Youth Leader, Psalms 23 Church In’tl. Ministry, Palayan, Nueva Ecija
“I learned how to mingle with people… which is very uncommon because I am scared to approach people. Then I noticed that when I go to people to witness, I am not shy anymore. I can evangelize to anybody without fear or shyness, I became bold sharing the gospel, and that is because I learned the method of “Stealth Evangelism!”

Michael Banda – Youth Leader, Psalms 23 Church Int’l Ministry, Tarlac

“My shyness was gone because the Stealth Evangelism is easy to share. Personally, I noticed a change in my life because approaching people, to talk and share the word of God to them is the hardest thing I could ever do. But not in this training….I was taught how to approach people without offending them and they listened to me and got born again! The feeling is really different. I thank God for that.”
Darriel Soriano – Youth Leader, Psalms 23 church Int’l Ministry, Palayan, Nueva Ecija
“The learning impacted my life…rigid, but sure and effective. It helps me build my confidence of talking to people and sharing the ‘357 Magnum’. My attitude towards witnessing changed, because now after the Stealth training, I am winning souls for Christ!”
Joe Maiwat – Youth leader, Psalms 23 Church Int’l. Ministry, General Trias, Cavite

“It made an impact to my life… things in my life changed….fear of rejection and shyness was overcome, sharing effectively the word of God and self-confidence were built. I also learned how to be patient, and love for the lost was ignited in my heart.



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