Mobile training taking flight in the Islands

I want to give you a heads up on the Stealth Evangelism Mobile Trainings that are piling up for us to do. When I say they are piling up, it is because there is such a demand for it that we are getting overloaded with requests and under financed to do them.

Here’s the good part…Many pastors desiring the training, Many churches will participate, Many leaders become trainers, Many church members and leaders become soul winners, Many churches grow, Many churches will be planted, Many pastors may be freed from the bondage of poverty, Pew warmers activated as workers and the whole church is mobilized to advance the Kingdom of God, Unifying the body of Christ through these non-denominational seminars. This is a picture of end times harvesting that God wants to do.

Here’s the not so good part…the evangelism machine needs GAS! We need your monthly support to keep this movement moving to reach this nation which will ultimately reach out to the other nations of the world. We have no doubt that it is the Heart of God and we are focused with all our heart and soul on the mandate of the Great Commission being fulfilled with this effective yet simple technique. Please don’t wait any longer to sow your seeds into these lost souls, so they may inherit the Kingdom of God just like you and me!

The following are the scheduled Mobile Seminars through March. There are others tentative, not yet scheduled with dates:

  1. Nov. 26-29 ……. Davao City, Mindanao Island
  2. Dec.16-19 …….. General Santos City, Mindanao
  3. Jan.20-23 ……… Zamboanga City, Mindanao Island
  4. Feb. 3-6 ………… Baguio City, Luzon Island
  5. Feb. 17-20 …….. Puerto Princesa, Palawan Island
  6. Mar. 3-6 ………… Urdaneta, Pangasinan, Luzon
  7. Mar. 17-20 …….. Occidental Mindoro Island
  8. Mar. 31-Apr. 3 .. Legaspi, Bicol, Luzon Island
  9. Others tentative dates still pending!

Pastor/Professor Ted Macalagay (a volunteer trainer at Dunamis) and Pastora Remy Mordeno (Dunamis staff) will be flying with me to Davao City, Mindano the 25th of November for a 50 pastor mobile seminar to be held there on the 26th through the 29th. I’m very excited about this one because we are going to be impacting so many churches there at one time. When these leaders are trained they will take the Stealth Evangelism Training back to their churches and train a reapers team in each church which will mean 10’s of thousands of souls brought into the Kingdom in the years to come, actually next year!HaHa! I’m not joking with you! MANY SOULS, Amen? We will give you a full accounting in the December newsletter. We are believing for at least 3,000 souls saved during the seminar! Please be praying for us that it will be a huge success.

Once the pastors establish a reapers club in their churches there will be a stream of perpetual souls coming into the Kingdom from now on. This causes their churches to grow with new members, and with new members they have more workers and finances for more ministry in their city.

Friends, these seminars are not expensive in comparison to the US standards. It will cost us around $1,200 to complete the seminar which not inclusive of salaries for staff, but we can make it happen for that. For that $1,200.00 we will see approximately 3,000 people come to the Lord and be born again. That’s a pretty cheap price for that number of souls, but in all actuality that is only the beginning of the rest of those pastor’s lives in the ministry. There will be hundreds of soul winners come out of the training that we do there. Praise the Lord Jesus! We are going to be doing at least one maybe two per month of those 50 man seminars and you have the opportunity to sow into all those souls for as long as we can do them. I pray that you will hear the voice of the Lord concerning this effort to help pastors build the Kingdom of God. You can sow into these seminars monthly whatever you feel the Lord is telling you. We need your help to make these happen. We currently have two more seminars for December coming up and another in January. Plus there are at least 4 more that are waiting on us to make it happen. Let’s partner together in reaching the lost every month big time!

We love you all,
Tony and Calli Poole



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81



Vivien sharing Jesus with young man on the street during class practicum this month.

rom the mouths of babes!…This is one of the best testimonies I’ve read. Vivian has a way of expressing exactly what we all have felt at some time in our Christian walk. Please take the time to read her account of her experience at Dunamis this month. Powerful! Now she’s a warrior for Christ! – Calli

Now a warrior for Christ!

Vivien D. Canunayon
Jesus Our Shalom International Ministries
Imus, Cavite

I am 20 years old, a Christian for 7 or 8 years, from a Christian family, my father is a pastor. I’ve been a part of the praise and worship team also for 7 years and I’ve been a worship leader for 4 yrs. I served the Lord thru singing, but I didn’t want to JUST sing for him. I know in my heart He called His children to evangelize by sharing the gospel to unbelievers. But…I don’t know how to do that….I don’t know what to say!

I felt some disappointment from my spiritual growth because I haven’t even tried to share God’s Word with even my closest friends and relatives. The reason is I have this great fear in my heart that they wouldn’t take me seriously and they might reject me. Even more, it might also damage our relationship, because if I attempt to do that without knowing what to do or say, I know I would fail. How could I share the gospel if I’m like this?

Little did I know that the Lord has a bigger plan for me. He is truly a great God. He wants to use His children for the growth of the population of His Kingdom.

I came to Dunamis with doubt in my mind and fear in my heart, but after hearing the Stealth Evangelism Method from Pastor Tony Poole and after practicing in the workshops, that feeling of doubt and fear was washed out and gone.

We went on with our practicum and shared the Word of God with TOTAL STRANGERS and this is my first time to do it, but after doing the steps taught to us I saw a tremendous breakthrough in my life. It’s so amazing that you can bring lost souls to Jesus Christ with this technique and they will accept Him into their life in an instant, in just 5 to 7 minutes.

This experience at Dunamis International School of Missions changed me from a shy, introverted, unconfident, and doubtful person to a fearless child of God with the heart to win souls for Jesus Christ!

I will bring this tool with me for the Stealth Evangelism technique is already carved into my heart. I’m excited to impart this experience to my church mates, and make soul winning my way of life.

To God be all the Glory and Praise! My experience here has had an eternal impact in my life. I’m blessed, revived, and renewed!



Above: Edmond sharing the in the Gospel of John lady on the street during class practicum.

These blind eyes now see!

Edmond Rey S. Basister, 19 yrs. old
Men’s Youth President
Jesus Our Shalom International Ministries
Imus, Cavite

“Yes we have eyes but we cannot see.
We have a mouth but we cannot talk.”
“Meaning we are ‘Christian’ but cannot see the people all around us that we need to share the Word of God with. We have a mouth but do not share the Gospel”

“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” Matt.28:19

Edmond may have come to Dunamis with spiritually blind eyes, but he left with his eyes wide open and his mouth proclaiming the Gospel! Praise the Lord! – Calli



Sister Jing (in red shirt) sharing Christ with lady she met on the street.

Bulls Eye Boldness!

Jing P. Bacosa, Elder
Global Victorious Christian Church
Nasugbu, Batangas

To God be the glory for the Stealth Evangelism Training seminar. Evangelism was never as easy and direct. It hits the hearts of the lost. Bulls eye!

Honestly, this tool brought on the boldness in me in sharing the Gospel to others. It was adrenalin to my system that boosted my drive to win souls. Simply not to reach quotas, but in obedience to the Lord’s Great Commission. The program instilled in me the urgent necessity to move now (no further delays and excuses.) Share the Good News of being BORN AGAIN before it’s too late. Plant the seed as per leading of the Holy Spirit, and with unwavering faith, believe that God will do the rest.

This is a very humbling experience…a moment of submission…the moment of learning to EMPTY myself of everything if only to contain the 357 Magnum tool of evangelism as initiated by the lectures, workshops, and practicums. Eventually becoming my way of life.

This is applied servant hood…a time when no other considerations for my personal advantages are taken but simply having in mind…working against all odds, penetrating strongholds of the enemy for my Lord and Savior and the growth of His Kingdom.

The seminar training equipped me to be an effective and consistent reaper of souls…a zealous, committed and dedicated worker in the Lord’s vineyard.

My heart rejoices in thanksgiving to the Lord in using DUNAMIS to give me the expertise in sharing the Good News of Being Born Again.

And to all the Coras* out there, I will find a way to you soon.

*A reference to the forgotten people, from a story we teach about a woman named Cora who dies without being reached for Jesus.



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81



Opportunity knocking for you!

We printed the two manuals shown above back in May of this year. The bill was about $1,700 at the time and we tried to raise the money for it. So far we’ve paid all of it but the remaining $750. Our printer Brother Dong is a wonderful man, who has always worked with us on both the printing costs and payment plans. He just had a heart attack and was in the hospital for several weeks, during which he had 6 stints put in, and the cost of his hospital stay was almost 2 million pesos or $40,000 dollars. He’s always been such a patient supporter of ours, always treating us well, and helps us by trying to keep our costs lowered as much as possible. We pray that someone will sow into the manuals above by helping us take care of our remaining debt to Dong, and thus helping him in return. These manuals are being given to pastors every month to train them, which eventually leads to the training of their own church members. Each manual represents hundreds and even thousands of souls as they take this priceless training back home and share it. If you pay all or part of this bill for $750 you are sowing seed into all the pastors hands that receive them, and will be a part of all the souls that are reaped into the Kingdom because of them. So let’s help brother Dong by getting the bill paid.

Love you so much, Tony

“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
Let’s do it together!

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