US trip postponed until fairer weather!

Last month we announced we were coming back to the US. The luggage was out, plans being made, and plane tickets were being scouted for online. During our efforts to organize the trip, we ran into a large roadblock concerning our transportation, and quickly began looking for a solution.

Amidst our extensive search, the Lord connected us to people that were able to assist us with some of our urgent needs that were forcing us to come back immediately, and now with their help we have been able to postpone our trip until the weather will be better next spring. Praise the Lord! He works all things for our good. We are so thankful! – Calli

Typhoon Yolanda

I’m sure by now that everyone has heard about the catastrophe that has befallen the Philippine Islands during Super Typhoon Haiyan. We want everyone to know that we are all doing fine, and that we were blessed to be far enough away from the storm’s wrath. Our area only received a bit of strong wind and rain, and it’s hard to believe that the same storm we were experiencing was creating so much destruction elsewhere. So many people have died, and so many others are suffering, and in need of aid. Our hearts are heavy, and the tragedy has only been all the more despairing with the knowledge that many of the dear souls that were lost did not know our Lord. We know all of heaven mourns with us.

The stories that fill our newspapers every day continue to break our hearts, and the survivors remain heavily in our prayers. We thank everyone who checked up on us, letting us know that we are cared for. We ask that everyone continues to pray, so that these lands may be saturated with your positive outcries of hope, comfort, and love. The Filipinos are strong and resilient, and we know they will rise and rebuild. We ourselves, are gathering food and materials to send to the affected, and we appreciate everyone who has or will be giving to the recovery efforts.

Typhoon Relief 1 - Yolanda

Left: Pastor Paul Chase of New Life directing the loading of the semi’s with relief goods.
Right: Tony helping with the assembly line moving the food.

Tony met with others at our church, New Life, this morning. They loaded up all the relief goods that have been collected so far (food, water, bedding, clothing, generator, utensils etc.) so they can be trucked into Tacloban one of the cities that was totally destroyed and had the heaviest loss of life. People all over Manila are joining in to help. Companies all over town are canceling Christmas parties and sending the funds to the Typhoon relief instead. New Life loaded two large Semi’s full of goods this morning and there will be more in the coming weeks. If you’d like to help and want to make sure that your money gets to the target just send your tax deductible donation to Revival Fire Ministries International and designate it to “Disaster Relief for Haiyan Typhoon Victims”.

Typhoon Relief 2 - Yolanda

Left: Another assembly line of relief heading for Tacloban.
Right: Loading the truck with drinking water and bags of rice.

Pagpalain ng Dios ang Pilipinas!

(God bless the Philippines!)



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81


By: Felicity Privado

When it rain it pours, and we have 5 immediate needs that have built up, and really need to be addressed.

  1. After almost 7 faithful years of service, our little 3in1 office printer has officially bit the dust, may it rest in pieces. Of course it decided to do so right when we needed to print some important documents haha!Anyway, now we are in desperate need of a replacement. A printer for our main computer is not something we can live without for long, so we are asking for assistance. Comparable units cost around $200.
  2. We have been living with the same sheets for the mission center that we purchased years ago, and they are well worn, and now too few. We have recently increased the bed space in the center to accommodate more pastors, and if sheets were running low before, they are definitely insufficient now. We recently found twin sheet sets that are half price and we need to take advantage of the bargain and purchase more than a couple dozen sets, so that our pastors have good beds to rest on during training. Cost for these will be around $450. for everything.
  3. We have been living without air-conditioning in our Toyota van for many months, and anyone in a tropical climate can vouch for how difficult that can be. (Especially when it is the vehicle the pastors use to go on their practicums, and there can be up to 14 people riding in it at a time.) Lowest estimates for the repairs were $200.
  4. One of our Mission Center drainage lines has caved in, and it needs to be completely replaced. The cost for the repairs has been estimated at $350.
  5. A couple of months ago our sewing machine broke, and despite efforts to find a way to repair it, we have been unsuccessful. We have finally resigned ourselves to the need of purchasing a new one, and though most people may think a sewing machine is not very important, it is in fact a very integral part of our life here at the mission center. We are very crafty, and use a sewing machine to save money by repairing couch and chair cushions, blankets, sheets, etc… We always make our own curtains, and make alterations and repairs to clothing or anything else involving fabric.We have always liked to do as much as possible ourselves, and now it has become quite burdensome to be without our machine. The sewing jobs are piling up high in baskets, and soon it will become quite overwhelming. This is a big need for us, and we would like to ask for help in purchasing a new one.Although electronics cost more here, finally having a unit wired at 220v instead of 110v will bodewell for the longevity of the machine we acquire. There are not as many options to choose from,but we have found a unit that will fulfill our needs perfectly. The price of the machine we arelooking at is the equivalent of $300.

So now, we would like to ask everyone to pray about helping us meet these needs. Altogether we need to raise about $1,500. to cover everything. Having these needs met will be such a blessing and relief to all of us over here. God bless you all!

We love you, Felicity, Tony, Calli & the Dunamis staff



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81

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