

Personal Note from Calli & Tony

We are fast approaching the annual renewal of our mortgage on the Mission Center here in Manila. We have been so blessed, our mortgage payments continue to go down even as the cost of leasing property in Manila skyrockets with the inflation hitting here in the Philippines just as it is in the US. The Lord brought us this property, and we have been amazed to see its value triple since acquiring it 4 years ago showing us His most amazing timing. We, like many of those around the world have found ourselves affected by the cost of living (gasoline, food, etc.) that has significantly increased even as our income has steadily decreased. We are asking for help, and we know that Jehovah-Jireh our provider will always come through and sustain us. We want to thank all of you who have supported us all these years, have believed in the work we are doing, and who pray daily for our continued success, financial stability, and fruition.

It is our desire to reduce the note on the Center property before July 31st by at least $20,000.00 so that when the mortgage renews itself, it will renew at a significantly lower principle balance and our payments will be reduced greatly on the property. This would allow us to distribute our monthly income into more fruitful areas, and give us the means to have more classes and reach more souls. It would only take 20 people giving a thousand dollars each to make this happen. We would love it if someone would just pay the mortgage off, but reducing it would help us. (Of course with God all things are possible, Amen!) Please consider making a tax deductible gift to Revival Fire Ministries to help make this principal reduction. It would really help us continue on our journey of training these wonderful pastors and leaders each month.

We started another class of 24 this morning, and like every class we are brimming with anticipation. Every month more than 2,000 people come to the Lord just through the classes alone, they then go back to their own churches and multiply themselves, continuing to lead even more people to the Lord! It’s such an amazing thing to behold, and we feel blessed every day to have been chosen for this kingdom work.

Please pray about helping us with this debt reduction, we know God will multiply it back to you in even more than finances. We must remember that life here on Earth is fleeting, and the only treasures we will be able take with us when we depart, are the beautiful souls of men we choose to reap. What better investment is there than that, Amen?

We love you all, Tony and Calli Poole




donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81




Pastora Jane leading man to Jesus in Manila


“Words cannot express my joy!”

Pastora Jane Mack, Holy Ghost Revival Ministries, Seattle Washington

My name is Jane Mack, I co-pastor with my husband, John, in Seattle, Washington area. USA. I personally have been in the ministry for over 30 years; yet have always had a problem overcoming the fear of rejection when it comes to evangelism; like many I didn’t know what words to use to introduce Jesus to an unbeliever. That is the root problem that most Christians have about soul winning, not knowing what to say.

My husband and I came to the Philippines by invitation to preach in a pastor’s conference and it was at that time in May 2013 that we were introduced to Pastor Tony Poole and heard about the Stealth Evangelism Program.

I knew the moment he explained the program to me that this was my opportunity to learn proper evangelistic procedures (techniques). I enrolled in the Stealth Evangelism Class.

This class has been a wonderful help to me. Words cannot express my joy to complete this class and to make soul winning a way of life. In just 2 days time we went out 4 times witnessing for about 2 hours each per exercise. I won 96 people to the Lord and it was so amazing.

It is important to perfect the technique and be able to do the presentation flawlessly. If I train anyone with the technique I must be flawless in order to teach it properly. Pastor Tony says “Your students will only be as good as their worst teacher or monitor.

John and I minister in the prisons around Seattle and we operate halfway houses for about 70 ex convicts, and they are all required to attend all our church services. I will take the Stealth Evangelism Program and train our leaders both in the halfway houses and those in the prison with this powerful soul winning technique. You know, many men who come out of prison go back in because they return to their old lifestyles. If they truly accept Jesus as their Savior, they’re lives will completely change.

I want to Thank Ptr. Tony Poole for being obedient to God and giving your life to the training of people in Evangelism. May God continue to Bless you and your ministry. – Jane Mack


Pastora Jane witnessing in the streets and door to door, leading group to Jesus




donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81



View the Dunamis 5 minute video at:

dunamis video 2012




ptr. jun

Pastor Jun and Pastor Tony during class at Dunamis

“I was conquered!”

Pastor Alejandro ‘Jun’ Linart Jr. Senior Pastor of
Christ—Son of the Living God Church, Pasay City

Julius Caesar made a report in the Roman Senate. He said, “Veni, Vidi, Vici” – “I came, I saw, and I conquered.” In my case, when I affected Stealth Evangelism Seminar, I must say, “I came, I saw, but I was conquered by the Stealth Evangelism Program”.

I have been to many training seminars on evangelism, but this one is different. The Stealth Evangelism technique is simple, easy to memorize. It came from just one passage of the Holy Scripture – John chapter three verse 3, 5, and 7 – dubbed as “357 magnum”. With other evangelism tools you have to memorize many Bible references from the Old Testament and the New Testament. But with Stealth Evangelism you just remember the 357 magnum!

Another advantage of Stealth Evangelism, it is the direct words of Jesus Christ regarding the door to the kingdom; who can see and enter His kingdom and who cannot. I personally believe that people will be born again by the “incorruptible seed” which is the word of God. That’s why I am excited because the technique used as explained by Pastor Tony Poole is effective in making the membership of the church grow exponentially. I have proven it to be true.— Pastor Jun Linart



Ptra. Joan

Pastora Joan witnessing to children at community basketball court in Manila area.

“Christ sends us out!”

Pastora Joan J. Gorospe, Kingdom Life Missions Team Inc., Quezon City, Philippines

“CHRIST SENDS US OUT TO BRING OTHERS IN!” This statement was the realization given to me by God throughout the seminar. To be a part of this training was really a great privilege and blessing. I can’t explain the joy in my heart, the excitement I felt every time we went into the field and won souls. I thank God He used Dunamis as an instrument to equip us with a technique that is so easy to use and such an effective way to build a rapport and win the souls of those people whom I am witnessing to.

To all the staff / teachers (Pastor Tony, Pastora Elaine, Pastora Sonia, and Pastor Wins), THANK YOU SO MUCH. You’ve done a great job! The benefits of what you have imparted are not only for us, but also for the church and also for the souls in our community. In addition, I don’t know if you’re aware of this, you trained us HOLLISTICALLY. You did not only train us on evangelism but also you trained us in different aspects – physically, mentally, emotionally, socially, and spiritually.

And for these, NO WORDS can explain how grateful I am to Dunamis. THANK YOU!!! We will be your partner to WIN THE PHILIPPINES and to WIN THE WORLD.




donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81





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