

Special Request: Cell Phones Needed!

We are in need of several cell phones. If anyone has an extra cell phone that you are no longer using and would like to donate it, we could use it! Someone we know is coming to Manila from the Amarillo area soon and has agreed to bring them to us. They just need to be ones with a sim card slot. We can have them unlocked to use over here for very little. You might ask around, to your friends and family. I know a lot of people change phone plans or replace phones and might have several in the back of drawers. If you have the charger, it would be great, but we can replace the charger if needed. Thanks for your help. Just drop them off as soon as you can to Pastor Errol Hainer at Life Fellowship, 2817 SE 34th Ave in Amarillo. It’s right next to Caprock High School.  1(806) 342-4673  Thank you so much! (or if you’re not in the Amarillo area, you can send them to our PO Box there: Revival Fire Ministries International, PO Box 30487, Amarillo, TX 79120).



Pastora Sonia San Pedro—a devoted staff member of Dunamis for over four years!

An inside look at Dunamis!

The following is a perspective of Dunamis and the Stealth Evangelism Program from Pastora Sonia San Pedro. She has been a devoted staff member for several years. Sonia came to us from pastoring a Foursquare Gospel Church in Laguna. She had been in ministry as a pastor for six years here in the Philippines and four years in Singapore.

“Over the last four years of being a part of Dunamis I have come to realize that taking our Stealth Evangelism training contributes to several things. It changes the attitudes of the participants, such as, from being shy and fearful (unable to approach people to witness because of fear of rejection and fear of man) to an attitude of a roaring lion always moving forward to acquire its prey. It helps them realize that if they have a tool as powerful as Stealth Evangelism and use it properly, they can never go wrong in their approach to effective soul winning.



Dunamis students becoming bold as

lions in their day to day witnessing!

“It also helps change the mindsets of the participants during the workshop as it is conducted over a period of four hours. The repetition might be new to them because they haven’t done it in other seminars they have attended, but it impacts them and the experience instills the tool into their minds thus helping them to learn a system of soul winning and whether they are a pastor, church leader, youth leader, missionary, etc… they have something new to teach to their church members.



Increasing their capabilities to share

“The pastors that teach Stealth Evangelism to their churches immediately after they receive the training and follow the Dunamis Training Standard closely are virtually guaranteed growth in practically every aspect and department of their church. It will increase their membership, Bible study groups, cell groups and even the church’s finances as their membership grows from the resulting harvest.

“Other activities during the training such as the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, personal insights from the instructors, the fellowship and the camaraderie with other pastors, the fun in the practicum area and the picture taking (which is not done in other seminars) attribute to the whole spiritual welfare of the participants. It lifts the spirit and encourages the heart to have more passion for lost souls and one way or another; it will have a big impact in their lives.



Increasing their fellowship and

camaraderie with other pastors

“The entirety of the Stealth Evangelism training is a blessing and a great experience to every participant because if they come to the training with an open heart and are willing to allow the Lord to change their mindsets, they will leave with the ability to ultimately enlarge their church and plant daughter churches. They can enjoy the blessing of a full packed Sunday services and having lots of activities on weekdays like visiting the new converts, attending to their bible studies and cell groups. Remember; more members more finances, more members more workers, more members more finances for ministry” – Pastora Sonia San Pedro





donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81




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