August 2024 Newsletter

Where do you work? “I own a girlie bar!”

For several years, while teaching my evangelism class, I would use the scenario of “the girlie bar response”. This was to help our students know how to handle that situation, when it comes up while they are out witnessing. First of all, when you’re talking with someone you don’t know and ask them a question like “Where do you work?” and they give you such a response, it is critical for you to have the right reply and composure! That person’s eternal life is at stake. If you flinch when they say that they own a girlie bar, or I’m a prostitute, or whatever that makes you flinch, it could destroy your opportunity to win them to the Lord.

Even though I have never had that particular scenario come up during a conversation, I was ready for it! And so it was, when Jun said in response to my question, “Where do you work?”, he said, “I owned a girlie bar”. I smiled and asked him another question, “Are you married?”. He said yes! “Do you have any children”, he said yes! Then, I asked him about their ages and if they were still in school. I changed the subject matter immediately after he said, “I owned a girlie bar”! We went on talking about his family and anything about his life but his girlie bar. About three to four minutes later, he prayed and asked Jesus to come into his heart!

It wasn’t about his sins, but it was about his relationship with our Lord Jesus! I see him, along with many other senior citizens in the area, often at the little restaurant that we both eat breakfast at. I thank God He showed me how to handle myself when a person reveals something so sensitive about themselves. I know years ago when I was younger and not well equipped, I would have attacked the sin or at least been knocked off balance with the response he made.

I’m saying to all of you reading this article that it’s very important that you share Jesus with them and what He says in the Bible about being born again. The verses I shared with him. We call it the 357 Magnum!  1st verse is John 3:3, Jesus talking, “Unless one is born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of God”. Did you hear that? Jesus says unless you are born again you can’t see the Kingdom of God! 2nd verse, John 3:5 Jesus talking again, “unless you’re born of water (natural birth) and the spirit (that is born gain) he cannot enter the Kingdom of God”. Did you hear that? Unless one is born again, he cannot see and enter the Kingdom of God. Last verse, John 3:7, Jesus talking again, He says, “Marvel not that I say unto you, you must be born again”! Now, Jesus says in those three verses, unless you are born again, you cannot see, or enter the Kingdom of God and you must be born again!

The last question I asked Jun was this, “Would you like to be born again just as your Lord Jesus commands in His Holy Bible?”. Then, Jun said yes. I said to him, pray with me and he did.  The prayer was like this: “Lord Jesus, forgive me of my sins and forgive me for leaving you out of my life. I open the door of my heart and I ask you to come into me. Lord Jesus, be Lord of my life. Thank you for saving me. Amen!”

I looked at Jun and asked him, “Where is Jesus right now?”.  He replied, while pointing at his heart, he’s in my heart! Jun, who is in his eighties, said he no longer owns the girlie bar. It closed during the Covid shut down. But praise the Lord, Jesus had prepared me to handle his open, abrupt response.

If you have read until this part and you need to be born again yourself, please pray the same prayer and send me a message to my email, if you prayed that same prayer, you are now born again, with the Holy Spirit living inside you. Just thank Jesus for saving you right now! If you have questions please contact me through my email address or call my international line at the following number 806-416-2313. If you will use a mobile phone your call to me from the US will be free. I would be glad to hear from you. God bless you all!

Tony Poole

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July 2024 Newsletter

Winning Friends, while Winning Souls for Jesus!

Thanks a million to one of our remarkable alumni at Dunamis International Ministry of Evangelism, Bishop Melchor Magsino for helping us organize the Stealth Evangelism class held from July 24 to 26, 2024 here in Manila, Philippines. Bishop Mel joyfully supported and personally joined his key church leaders and youth pastors as they were trained to become professional soul winners and went out to win more lost souls to Jesus! You are the best, and we appreciate you so much!
Bishop Mel believes that exponential growth is caused by God, which is why he had a vision of increasing his church membership, and that compelled him to send his people to our Dunamis Mission Center for evangelism training. They were so glad they were equipped and given the privilege to do soul-winning activities in the community near their church because it would be easy for them to follow up on the lost souls won during their four two-hour practicums.
We are also very grateful to the leaders of Bishop Mel for entrusting us with students who have become fearless, powerful, and unstoppable soul-winners. We fervently pray that as you keep that boldness in winning souls, your church will grow tremendously in numbers, by leaps and bounds!
Everyone was struck with awe and wonder as the Lord moved intensely in this amazing class, these people were brought to tears while full of joyful emotions as each student shared their personal stories and unforgettable encounters.  They were overjoyed with the fulfilment of receiving their certificate of completion, which was a certificate considered to be recognized in heaven for the souls they won to Jesus.  Each certificate given represents more than thirty souls personally won. They have all used an effective evangelism tool, likened to the sharp and lightweight sickle for harvesting crops, The Stealth Evangelism Program meanwhile is for harvesting lost souls and leading them to the Lord, through reading three bible verses, which we call 357 Magnum (John 3: verses 3,5,7). It surely removes any person’s resistance to becoming born again in 5 minutes or less!
Pastora Maria Teresa was surprised when she witnessed and won to Jesus some of the Muslim faithful, and some of the members of a cult when she did her practicum. All these graduates of the Stealth Evangelism Program have declared that their passion for soul-winning was rekindled with enthusiasm as a result of studying the lectures, participating in the workshops, and complying with the required thirty presentations of this unique evangelism tool.
Pastor Jose, on the other hand, confessed that the training made him take a trip down memory lane and recommit to his first love. Their hearts were burning with an ardent desire for more and more souls to win for Christ.  One of the leaders, whose name is also Remy, found a couple confiding in her their marital problems after leading them to the Lord. At the start, the husband wanted to argue but later on, the Lord touched his heart and his behaviour towards her changed, and she won them for Jesus and won their friendship as well. Wow, what a fantastic gain, winning a friend while also winning a soul for the kingdom of God!  Hallelujah!
Praise the Lord for more than one thousand souls won during the practicums of this batch! We are so thankful to the Lord likewise for all your unwavering support to keep this ministry going, as we remain aimed at the goal of “Win the Philippines, Win the World”, which is a daunting task but our Lord can do miracles and do the impossible. We pray that our partners will continue to receive great gifts from our Lord and that everyone with great gifts takes on great responsibilities towards fulfilling the Great Commission which is the marching order of Our Lord Jesus.
Please know that we always remember you for every soul that we win and that we continue to be the feet and mouth of Jesus in this part of the world for as long as you allow us, with the grace of God. We are eternally grateful to all the partners of this ministry, for creating a lifestyle of soul-winning with every disciple of Jesus we activate.
In His Service,
Pastora Remy Mordeno

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Invitation for New Stealth Evangelism Class

Dunamis International Ministry of Evangelism cordially invites you to attend our Stealth Evangelism Class on September 11, 2024 to September 13, 2024 at the Dunamis Mission Center located at No. 26 CM Recto St., BF Homes Inner Circle, Las Pinas City, Metro Manila, Philippines. Arrival and registration at 5pm on September 10, 2024. Meet Bishop Tony Poole and learn about the most effective evangelism tool there is! Enjoy the lectures and participate in the workshops and outdoor practicums. Food and Accommodations are included (nine meals and fully-air-conditioned rooms) with free wifi, smart TV and use of swimming pool. You will also get training manuals, soulmate bible and a certificate of completion. Registration fee is 500 pesos. Contact Dunamis Stealth Evangelism on Facebook or at +63 919 990 8311 for inquiries and to reserve a seat. Limited seats only, confirm your attendance on or before September 5, 2024. For more information, visit