
Winning the Grand Slam of life over and over!!

This morning I was watching the story of Bobby Jones (pictured above), a famous golfer from the early 1900’s, as he won the Grand Slam. Jones is the only player ever to have won the (pre-masters) Grand Slam, or all four major championships in the same year (1930). Ironically, I thought about something that was profound when it comes to the accomplishments in life. When he won the Grand Slam in golf that year it was like a once in a lifetime thing. What greater accomplishment could he obtain in his life than the Grand Slam of the golf game? It was at a very young age in his life he made the greatest accomplishment that he could ever imagine. This would probably cause most accomplishments from there on in his life to pale in comparison.

In each of our lives we have an opportunity for great accomplishment. Some will build great buildings. Some will build great companies. Some will paint great paintings and carve great sculptures. Some will reach great heights in their careers. Some will build large expensive churches with huge congregations. All will fade from memory in time. What is our personal Grand Slam of life as Christians? What accomplishment will be our greatest? The one that will never be forgotten? Most people have never heard of Bobby Jones and his Grand Slam feat, unless you’re a golf historian you wouldn’t remember who he was. Will the things we are doing stand the test of time? Will our skyscraper still be standing in 100 years or 500 years, but eventually it will come down and be no more?

Then it dawned on me that here at Dunamis we hit the Grand Slam every time we have a seminar and the pastors and leaders have a transformation in their lives and ministry!! As the pastors themselves often say, “My life will never be the same” or “You’ve changed my life forever.” You see, forever in the Kingdom of God is eternity!

Changing lives for an eternity!

Wow, what a wonderful experience in life that you can be a part of a Grand Slam every month of your life by doing something that will change the lives of those around you drastically to where they will never be the same. When you are responsible for winning someone to the Lord whether it be from physically doing it yourself, or monetarily assisting those that are winning people to the Lord, you are responsible for winning that person to Christ, thus changing their lives for an eternity.

Winning a soul is the most unforgettable experience there is on earth and in heaven. “…there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents.” Lu 15:10 (NKJV) Because of the stewardship of the Dunamis staff and leadership, every dollar that is sown ultimately accounts for many souls being won to Jesus and for training of church leaders in hundreds of churches that are impacted by the Stealth Evangelism Program from Dunamis International School Missions. What a way to sow into the Kingdom of God by impacting the church to win the lost and build the Kingdom of God for eternity.




Join us!

We welcome any and all of you reading this article to join us with the next Grand Slams in the coming months by sowing your seed monthly into this Kingdom building work. Most of you know the dedication of this ministry to equip the saints with the current weapons of warfare to reach the lost all over the world. I consider it an opportunity in our lives that we are able to have soul winning Grand Slam experiences every month with these life changing seminars we are doing all over the Philippines and other nations in the world. Think about it, Bobby Jones will be remembered for a long time for winning the Grand Slam in golf, but some day his memory will fade completely away with time.

We will reach the lost together!

When we win the Grand Slam of reaching souls for Christ, it will be remembered for eternity. When you get to heaven someday, there will be people coming up to you that will be thanking you for sowing into their salvation my friends. Yes, they will know you even though you may never know them on earth. They will know your sacrifice and the part you played in their salvation. The Lord spoke to me and said, “The sower shall not be forgotten!” When you win a soul to the Lord yourself, you take the roll of a reaper. Jesus says in John 4:36, “And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together.” Whether we reap or sow we are both a part in the salvation of the multitudes that this ministry is reaching! Please partner with us in the Great Commission Harvest on a monthly basis! We will reach the lost together! If you have been praying and considering sowing seed into a ministry, take a good look at this Kingdom building ministry to sow into for a great harvest of souls.

We love you all, Tony and Calli Poole





donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81




Pastor Vincent Dela Cerna witnessing to woman on the streets of Manila during a class practicum.

“Now is the time to change!”

Pastor Vincent S. Dela Cerna, Jesus Christ King of Kings Lord of Lords Church, Dasmarinas City, Cavite

First, I just want to thank our Lord Jesus Christ our Savior for this opportunity to attend to this seminar!

Stealth Evangelism for me is a great opportunity, especially for myself. I thank God for the life of Pastor Tony Poole because of his passion to this ministry, he makes the life of Evangelism simple but very effective. I have been eight years in evangelism ministry all over the island of Luzon but it was the first time for me with this kind of evangelism strategy. This strategy is great and very effective. Within 5 to 7 minutes the soul can be born again! It’s easy to use!

This strategy is very useful today in our times because of its friendly way and very rare rate of rejection. I think now is the time to change our traditional evangelism strategy to Stealth evangelism. We need to be fired up (especially myself) to evangelize souls using Stealth and its 357 magnum strategy. I promise that i will support this ministry with all my heart, with all my soul, with all my passion!

Thank you so much Pastor Tony Poole. God bless you and all of your family and the staff of Dunamis. God be with you all, and bring to you all the blessings of heaven.

Ptr. Vincent

Pastor Vincent (center) with Pastor Tony (right) and Pastor Steve (left) at the end of the
Stealth Evangelism Training




donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81









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