[one_third]Tony Poole[/one_third]

Celebrating God’s Calling

I just recently celebrated two special days in my life. One was April 4th, my birthday. The other was three days before on April 1st, a celebration of God’s calling me into full time ministry at the ripe age of 51 years old. Well, personally I believe that April Fool’s Day is my favorite of the two because it is the celebration of what God does with a willing fool that brings Him glory. Listen to what the Lord says in 1Cor 1:27-29. “But God has chosen the foolish things of the world to put to shame the wise, and God has chosen the weak things of the world to put to shame the things which are mighty; and the base things of the world and the things which are despised God has chosen, and the things which are not, to bring to nothing the things that are, that no flesh should glory in His presence.”

Ironically the Lord chooses to use things that are not so perfect, that He will receive all the Glory, Praise His wonderful name. I scored extremely high in all these categories of man’s measurement of the not so qualified. Yet the Lord chose me to accomplish a part of His work here in the End Times. Amen! God didn’t choose me because of my abilities, education, or accomplishments. He chose me because of my availability. When you make yourself available to be used by God, and lay down all your preconceived ideas of your worthiness or unworthiness and just put yourself in His hands with no personal agenda, then God can mold you into what He wants you to be. It’s not your perfection that makes you qualified, but your acknowledgement of your imperfection that qualifies you for service in God’s army, Praise Jesus!!!!

I was in the real estate business when the Lord called me. I was successful in my business, yet the Holy Spirit had been stirring me for years because I loved ministering to people. When the Lord called me, it came through a series of catastrophic events in my life. There were signs and wonders and the Lord speaking to me very clearly to get everything out of my hands because He was going to put His things in my hands. You see, it’s about His things not ours. God wants to glorify Himself through each of us as we get out of the way and let Him do it!

I’m always amazed and never grow callus to feeling the power of God’s voice, and divine revelations that come when you step out of the way and let His spirit speak through you as each of us learn to yield to His spirit in our daily lives. .

Love you all, Tony


Taking Stealth to the U.S.

Tony and I are state side right now. We are scheduled to be here until July 11th. We will be having our first Stealth Evangelism Training for pastors and leaders here in the U.S. April 25-27 in Amarillo at Life of Worship Church on S. Western. If you are interested in hosting or attending one of these seminars while we are here, give us a call 806-477-0188 or email us at tcp1976@aol.com. We will be setting up more classes as we gather names of those interested. Come be trained and take it back to your church.

– Calli



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81


Greater love has no man than this!

[one_third]Calli Poole[/one_third]

I noticed as I read over the testimonies from this last month’s classes, a common thread ran through each of them. Nearly every one of them mentioned how hard it was to lay down their busy schedules to come to the Stealth Evangelism training at Dunamis. Each one had to overcome every hurdle as it arose in their path. Our enemy throws as many distractions as he can at them to keep them from attending. Only the diligent fight through it all and actually make it!

John 15:13 says, “Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” I have always seen this as a reference, not only of Jesus’ sacrifice for us, but also to actually physically dying to save another’s physical life. But I am seeing now that we can even “lay down our lives” daily to save another’s life for eternity! As we set aside our busy schedules and learn to reach out to those around us and lead them to the Lord! And as we have all learned from the story of the Good Samaritan in Luke 10, we know our friends and neighbors are actually anyone that the Lord puts in our path (and our steps are ordered by the Lord!) The people you come into contact with everyday are not just there by chance but are divine appointments orchestrated by our Father Himself to bring in the crop of souls He has told us is white and ready for harvest.

As they are diligent to dodge the enemy’s obstacles and lay down their lives and busy schedules to come train in Stealth Evangelism, our students come into agreement at the end of the course as well. When they almost all without exception attest, “You’ve changed my life forever!” and “My life will never be the same again!”

The following testimony was shared with us by Pastor Abet Go…wow what a name! The Lord has called us all to go make disciples – he is reminded daily of his calling! You can read more awesome testimonies online on our website: www.dunamisinternational.org

– Calli


You set me ablaze for God!

You awakened my spirit!

Pastor Abet Go, Senior Pastor, God’s Love and Wisdom Global Outreach, Inc. Tondo, Manila

It was my associate pastor who had already gone to the training of Stealth Evangelism who invited me to attend. I have lot of struggles before coming to this place…but I believe I had a divine appointment with God in attending the Stealth Evangelism Program so I obeyed God’s conviction.

I praise God for what He accomplished in me during the training. It was my deepest desire to experience the one on one evangelism which I have neglected for so many years, even as a pastor. We have had a lot of evangelism programs in our church, but sad to say only little result is happening from daily Vacation Bible School, medical missions, feeding programs, film showing…etc.

I thank all the pastors, teachers and staff of Dunamis for bringing me into this new and fresh inspiring method of Stealth Evangelism. My fear of rejection is gone. I have a lot of people of all ages that, praise God, were led to the Lord and got born again. So many souls I helped bring to the Lordship of Christ!

There was one time when I was mistaken by a husband and wife who were fighting outside their house, they thought I was their Barangay Captain (police) so I grab the opportunity and just acted like one and before they knew it they got born again before I left them!

I can never forget my first fruit of Stealth Evangelism…there were two guys drinking wine and were already drunk. The Lord said to me, encouragingly, “My Spirit is greater than the spirit of wine!” So I went to them and shared the gospel…both of them got born again!

I also experienced talking to a group of young boys with tattoos (denoting their gang allegiances) playing basketball. I asked them for just two minutes of their time and I shared the gospel, when we were praying, they cried while accepting Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. So then all those that were playing basketball got born again also.

On the final day of our practicum, I was amazed with the wonder of God because when I shared the gospel to the elementary students outside their school, 7 of them got born again. Then after that they brought their classmates to hear also, so I shared the gospel again and again. I just sat in one place and the students kept coming to hear the gospel…they were like a school of fish and I was the boat and the net of the Lord, no struggles in catching them and getting them saved! Wow…

I’m so thankful to all of you guys at Dunamis. You have been the very tool used of God to enlighten me and show me how to start a new powerful fire of evangelism and challenge the leadership of my church. You set me ablaze for God, Pastor Tony. You awakened my spirit, Pastor Steve…and to all the staff of Dunamis…my monitors, Pastora Elaine, Pastor Jasper, Pastora Sonia, even those who cooked, those who helped drive the vans….your love for the pastors is immeasurable. We will never forget you people in our prayers.

When I get back to my local church we are going to shake the whole of Tondo with the fire of Stealth Evangelism! I promise not only to train my leaders with Stealth Evangelism but to bring the different ministerial and pastoral associations of different churches here in Tondo to Dunamis International School of Missions so that they may be trained as well. What God has done to me and how He has revolutionized my life, the same thing will happen to them! I pray that you are going to bring a mighty impact to my pastor friends from different local churches. Thank you very much and God bless you mightily!


Pastora Janette F. Rodrigo

A woman on fire

to do the great commission!

Pastora Janette F. Rodrigo, Associate Pastor,
God’s Love and Wisdom Global Outreach, Tondo, Manila

Some of the pastors and leaders of our church attended the Stealth Evangelism 2 1/2 years ago. They returned and trained some of the members of our church. I was one of them. We had our workshop and practicum but it stopped without finishing. Last year after my ordination, my senior pastor asked me to pray about what ministry the Lord would have me work in. I prayed to God and I heard Him speaking to me that our evangelism ministry is not being taken care of. The sad thing is that I did not listen and just ignored Him. In Feb this year, God dealt with me deeply and told me that I should stand for the evangelism ministry because it was being neglected. I confessed to my senior pastor and said that I am scared to commit myself for that ministry that’s why I just ignored it. He encouraged me to stand and heed the call of God. But in my heart I know that I’m lost and don’t know where to start. Until one day, Dunamis called our church for the Stealth Evangelism seminar and told us that there are more slots and asked if there were pastors who wanted to attend. So my senior pastor and I went to give our time for this seminar. I came here by faith. (She expressed to us how she had difficulties in making time for the seminar, but also how she pressed through and overcame them.) When I got here and started the seminar, God showed me many things. First, the Lord healed my back and relieved the headache I had arrived with. The workshop taught me this easy evangelism skill. During the practicum, at first I felt nervous, but managed to conquer it. I praise God because my faith increased so, along with my passion for souls. Most of all I now see myself as a woman on fire to do the great commission of God with great faith and love! I can see that our church will grow numerically, financially and most of all spiritually. Praise be to God! I promise to share the things I learned from Dunamis International School of Missions. I know that the enemy will do his best to stop us; but I will not allow it anymore. I am now more than willing, obedient and available for God! Together with the other pastors of our church…We will WIN! We will win the world for Christ. To God be the glory!


Click here to watch our exciting new 2012 video

dunamis video 2012


Pastor Fidel Famodulan

Now with Stealth Evangelism

My dream is burning in my spirit and

We will win!

Pastor Fidel Famodulan, Senior Pastor,
Victory Church Intl. Christian Ministries, Inc., Baliwag, Bulacan

I am very thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ that I was able to attend this seminar. Before I left my home, there were many obstacles that the enemy had put in my way so that I could not attend. While we were eating lunch, my wife’s blood pressure went up so I need to assist her. Even my finances was not enough for our transportation and the small registration fee, but praise God because after I prayed, my wife’s blood pressure went down and became normal and also a member of the church came by and handed me P500 pesos!

 I was amazed with what God revealed to me in this ministry through Pastor Tony Poole and Pastor Steve Hill about Stealth Evangelism. This new strategy on soul winning is very different from what I have learned from many conferences and seminars I have attended since the beginning of my Christian faith in 1982. I have attended a school of evangelism became a Bible study leader but I never experienced winning a soul. In this seminar I learned this new strategy of soul winning and won almost 80 souls during 3 days (only 8 hours of practicums)…I never experienced this in my whole life before! I have already a plan when I get back to my church; to train my leaders with this new strategy that was imparted to me by Dunamis International School of Missions! My vision has been, to plant more churches in the entire province of Bulacan, but it has been handicapped by our lack of finances and number of workers supporting me. But now, with Stealth Evangelism my dream is burning in my spirit and we will win! Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! My heartfelt thanks to: Pastor Tony Poole and his family, Pastor Steve, Pastora Sonia, Pastora Elaine and Pastor Jasper. To God be all the the glory!


Pastor Mar F. Catameo

No more lost,

forgotten people in our lives!

Pastor Mar F. Catameo, Senior Pastor , Jesus is our Salvation Fellowship, Inc. , Tanay, Rizal

To God be the glory! It was difficult for me to make this decision to be away from my family especially to my 8 year old granddaughter. I had a very close ties with my granddaughter which since birth I took care of her. She is always in my beside me especially bed time. When I told her about this seminar, she was not happy and doesn’t like me to go, she was very sad. She told me she will not be able to sleep and what will happen to her if she doesn’t sleep. I told her, grandpa will be away only for a couple of day but will be back, I hugged her but she was very quiet. The following day when I dropped her to her school she was still quiet so I tried to comfort her. She asked where am I going and I told her that grandpa will go to school and study about Jesus..then a smile came to her face because she knew that I am a pastor and she sees me on Sunday preaching behind the pulpit. Despite the obstacles, I made that decision to come and attend because I believe that God has a plan for me personally and the ministry.

First of all, with all my heart, mind, soul and strength, God has impacted and changed my life personally with this training. Through Pastor Tony and Pastor Steve, God used them as a channel of blessing for a life of obedience to the Great commission and sacrificed, denying the pleasure and the things of this world in exchange for a great heavenly thing! Through their testimonies and the life while here in the Philippines was really a sacrifice on their part. I was blessed by what Pastor Tony said…”I will spend the rest of my life on this planet sharing the need for end time harvest (Luke 10:1-3)” I was also blessed with Pastor Steve seeing his whole household (wife and seven sons) in the Lord. Thank God for Pastora Sonia for her dedication and patience in this entire training together with Pastor Jasper and Pastora Elaine going out under excessive heat of the sun to monitor our practicum, and for Pastor Rick for driving the van to all the different practicum areas, plus all the people who prepared our food and looked after our needs.

I have learned to humble myself before the Lord and to everyone for this 3 day training. I am so blessed because this is the first time I learned a very simple and effective tool such as this. It is easy to understand, to learn and to share. Through this Stealth Evangelism I have learned that we share Jesus so that people will be saved and not to bring them to your church but to bring them to the kingdom of God because I believe that God will surely bless us. Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things shall be added unto you. I was blessed to know and learn that every soul we win for Christ is not our own, we are just entrusted, they are God’s. I believe Stealth Evangelism will be a very effective tool in our church, and hope to share it to other churches in our community. There is one thing in my heart as I leave Dunamis, and that is to start training others and by the grace of God, we will win! No more lost, forgotten people in our lives! To Jesus belongs all the glory, honor and praise! Thanks be to God!



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81

Help Us Secure a Permanent Presence in the Philippines!

Join the Dunamis Founder’s Club

The Founder’s Club was created to secure the permanent presence of Dunamis International School of Missions in Manila, Philippines. The Dunamis Mission Center has a mortgage of $250,000 or Php11,000,000.00 against it. We, the leadership of Dunamis, have been seeking the Lord for an answer for the debt so that the funds that we receive monthly from our partners can be better utilized in the reaching of the lost both in the Philippines and worldwide.

We have accomplished much in the 8 years we have been here in the Islands, but we need to do more. We are constantly asked to bring Stealth Evangelism to other parts of the Islands and other nations all over the world, holding seminars for pastors and leaders that cannot afford to travel to Manila. Our heart breaks as we are forced to tell them that we can’t come right now, but maybe some time in the future. I’m telling you, that TODAY is the Day of Salvation and we need to be going now to wherever there are pastors that will avail themselves to be trained and in turn, train their members in Stealth Evangelism. This will insure their churches will have perpetual soul winning and discipleship flowing through them for years to come.

These are perilous times in the world today with economies shaking and the uncertainty of what the future holds. But we can make sure that no matter what happens in the financial world that this ministry in the Philippines will prevail and extend to reach the lost in every nation that we are able to touch.

You have an opportunity to make a huge impact with your seed in a ministry that is reaching a huge number of souls every year. Please step forward and help us get this debt paid so we can move to the next level in reaching the world with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. If this mission center was paid for we could do so much more every month to train pastors all over even in other nations. We have had many invitations from pastors and leaders from Benin, Nigeria, Brazil, France, England, Italy, India, Myanmar, Saudi, Dubai, Thailand, Columbia, Libya, Australia, New Zealand, Canada, all over the US. Just about everywhere they hear about Stealth Evangelism. Honestly I believe it will go all over the world when we get our new video completed. So please help us take this wonderful Kingdom building tool to the world.

You can be a part of continuing this work for years to come through your gift of $1,000 or Php10,000.00 or more. Through the sacrificial giving of 250 US Founders or 1,100 Philippine Founders the mission center will be paid in full this year. Your pledge can be paid in one lump or monthly payments designated to “Founder’s Club”. This must be separate from your regular monthly giving. Please don’t discontinue your current monthly support, monthly overhead continues, Amen? Upon the paying off of the note and to honor the occasion and those that participated we will display the Founders names on a beautiful plaque here in the mission center in Manila. All gifts are tax deductible!

Please pray about becoming a part of the Dunamis Founder’s Club. Thank you so much for all your prayers and support. You can do it today by clicking on one of the Donate Now buttons and you can even set up a monthly payment plan on it. Make sure and designate founders club on your contribution.

Thank you, Tony & Calli

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