Pastora Remy

A must read!

The best time of my life!!!

by Pastora Remy Modeno

I participated in the Stealth Evangelism Program in November 2013 as a post birthday gift to myself, after my best friend pastor forwarded to me a text invitation from Dunamis. Since then, Dunamis has never left my thoughts as I have been an avid and regular practitioner of Stealth Evangelism with a weekly goal on the number of souls. In April, they posted that they needed a staff to promote the program. As a Brand Manager in United Arab Emirates for 12 years, I felt so confident that I will be taken as part of the staff in Dunamis International School of Missions. It is an answered prayer to have a ministry that makes a big impact on the lives of people and a partial fulfillment of what God has told me in Matthew 10:18 that I will be sent before governors and kings as a witness to them and the Gentiles.

Churches Being Planted

Here at Dunamis, I have seen shy people metamorphosed into confident soul winners, I felt so fulfilled as Pastors expressed their renewed hope for their “dying” churches (churches that continue diminishing in numbers instead of multiplying and growing in members). Hearing their stories of revival in their churches when they finished the seminar, and Pastors so overwhelmed with the fire that the Stealth Evangelism Program brings to their churches after graduation. Truly, there is no word enough to describe how fulfilled and how amazed I am with the aftermath of the training. Stories of a daughter church being born just after a month from the students who had been to the seminar, the increase in the numbers of their new believers, the revival has set to become a wildfire, and I can see myself being part of so many new churches being planted everywhere at any given time without being there physically but by training them with this potent and powerful 357 Magnum.

Pastora Remy

Stealth Evangelism…
a byword in all the Islands

I thought I had the best time of my career years ago when I used to break record sales and been so proud posting new sales figures…not until I worked at Dunamis International School of Missions. This is the best time of my life, the best career I can have and the best achievement I could ever have with eternal values. As I facilitate each batch helping them achieve their targets of the number of souls and number of positive presentations, I feel so much fulfilled as we break new figures, as we record new numbers, because we are counting the number of souls…souls that Jesus ransomed with His Most Precious Blood. Each batch is a new challenge, a new experience, There is no batch that is the same, in terms of experiences, passion, and composition. As I monitor them doing their presentations during Practicum, I myself am being recharged, being fired up! Each batch is unique, putting me up on another level, step by step. Not only the students can claim that their lives have changed after taking the seminar, but mine has been transformed tremendously not only as a person, but as a soul winner and a trainer in the Army of God, Alleluia!!! It is now my prayer that Stealth Evangelism shall be a byword in all the islands of the Philippines through the Mobile Training.

I may have lost the financial rewards, perks and benefits working in a corporate world, but God has given me the honor and privilege of facilitating in growing the churches through the harvest. Who says power, influence and authority is gained only in the secular world through a political position or a top corporate post? There is greater power, greater authority and massive influence as the Holy Spirit works in this Ministry. There is also glitter, glamour and gold in this Ministry, after all, I work for the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords, whom we can never out give and is The Great Rewarder. TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!!

Pastora Remy Modeno

Dunamis Trainer and Seminar Coordinator



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81




West Point in God’s Army!

We are asking you to get in agreement with us in prayer that the $205,000 debt against the Dunamis Mission Center will be retired! This facility represents West Point in God’s Army, training pastors and leaders with powerful evangelism weapons of warfare and strategies to wage war against the kingdom of darkness for men’s souls.

This mission center is an Ark of Asia bringing revival and life to so many churches causing them to grow and often times perpetuating the planting of multiple churches by the pastors we have trained in the Stealth Evangelism Program.

We are in the heart of Asia and can reach most of these nations in 4 hours or less by plane. We are on the launching pad to missions all over Asia.


It’s Calli’s and my heart that the Dunamis International School of Missions will go on for many years to come, and beyond our very own lives. Our efforts are focused on developing the strength and scope of this organization trusting God the Stealth Evangelism Program will be utilized until the world is reached with the gospel! It’s time to come together with strategies to reach the nations with these programs so we can fill the Kingdom of God with new born again believers.

This mission center is being used to train an army of the Lord to bring millions upon millions of souls into the Kingdom. I’m asking you to sow into the Kingdom of God and help us retire the mission center mortgage. This will insure the Dunamis International School of Missions a permanent presence in Asia.

Your financial seeds will convert to souls in the Kingdom of God, praise Jesus! It’s phenomenal. Everyone born again because of Stealth Evangelism training will be a part of your harvest my friends. We can share in the salvation of multitudes, when you make your contribution to Revival Fire Ministries International.

God is so good! I know He will honor our faith as you and I believe together for the pay off of this Mission Center. Revival is breaking out everywhere and your partnership with this ministry helps us fulfill our part of His Kingdom work. Remember the only thing we can take to heaven is the souls of men! I know God will bless your generosity.

Love you all, Tony & Calli



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81


Juy An

“More Confidence…
Removed My Fear!


Juy An Bagatsolon
Song Leader/Music Ministry
Atlanta Christian Bible Fellowship
Valenzuela City, Philippines

What I can say is during my first practicum I was so afraid and too ashamed to do witnessing because I doubt if I can talk to people specially strangers and unbelievers, and I won 2 souls only. I was nervous to make a conversation because I am also afraid I might make a mistake in talking to them. I have mixed emotions, I can hear my heart beat, as I was worried people I will approach may insult or belittle me. But on second practicum I prayed to Jesus to give me confidence and power to share the Word of God, and applied the steps I learned from the seminar. This time I won 17 souls with 10 presentations and my confidence increased on every practicum.

Having learned the presentation steps and memorizing the steps gave me more confidence and removed my fear. I am now equipped to do soul winning. Thank you Pastora Remy and all the Dunamis staff for helping me overcome my fear of witnessing.

“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
Let’s do it together!

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