Soul going to hell

A Call to Arms!

That’s right, this is the Battle Cry for today! We currently have approximately 6 Billion people on this planet that are lost and on their way to hell when they die. All these beautiful children you see every day of your life, all these sweet elderly people, all these wonderful kind people that you rub elbows with daily, they are the forgotten people who are destined for hell if we continue to sit back and think someone else is going to lead them to the Lord. 9/10’s of the world is lost and we are delusional if we think that doing the same old thing the same old way will make the difference in 6 Billion people not going to hell.

The church activities and approaches to evangelism for the last 100 plus years have left a deficit in the ratio of numbers of souls saved to those that are lost today! We have to get out of the box that we’ve managed to build in the paradigm of our thinking and change before it’s too late. Friends it’s only too late when you die and can no longer impact the world with your efforts to reach them.

If you can’t do it yourself, you can help by furnishing the finances to get it done, Amen?

We want to have mobile seminars monthly in addition to the two seminars we have here at our mission center in Manila each month. These mobile seminars are hard for us to set up simply because we have to ask the hosting pastors for too much help from the financial end, there’s not enough support yet to do it ourselves every month. The host pastors furnish us a facility for the seminar and a place for the pastors to stay. It will cost about $700 to train 50 pastors and leaders in a mobile seminar like the ones we’ve been doing on Mindanao Island. We want to schedule 1 or 2 of these each month.

The seminars have a mind boggling impact on the churches represented by the pastors. We’ve got to have some mind boggling impacts that will cause huge soul winning numbers through one-on-one evangelism until the Lord comes, Amen? Here’s the good news, YOU can make an impact for the rest of your life and beyond on those 6 Billion lost souls, by helping us financially accomplish God’s mandate that He has given us. We need to be able to bring the Stealth Evangelism Seminars to Islands all over the Philippines and ultimately to other nations. So, there is a lot to do, if we are going to reach the unreached forgotten people of this world. It’s going to take a strategic effort by every Christian that will, to channel funds into the mission field, both at home and abroad to reach these lost with the gospel of Christ.


You can’t take it with you, or can you?

Folks, how many times have you been told that you can’t take it with you? I got news for you. They’re right, you can’t take gold or silver with you to heaven, but you can take the souls of men through your unselfish gifts sown into Kingdom building ministries like Dunamis International School of Missions, to insure that as many souls as can will go to heaven through our concerted effort together.

That money you have saved up for a rainy day will buy thousands maybe even millions of souls into the Kingdom of God. You just replace the gold with the souls of all those beautiful children, those sweet elderly people, and those wonderful kind people we meet every day of our lives. They need Jesus too! Help us make the difference. Let’s get out of the box and start winning this world to the Lord together!



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81



West Point in God’s Army!

Training Pastor’s and leaders with
the newest spiritual weapons of warfare.

We are asking you to get in agreement with us in prayer that the $205,000 debt against this mission center will be paid off immediately! This facility represents West Point in God’s Army, training pastors and leaders with powerful evangelism weapons of warfare and strategies to wage war against the kingdom of darkness for men’s souls.

This mission center is like the Ark of Asia bringing revival and life to so many churches causing them to grow and often times perpetuating the planting of multiple churches by the pastors we have trained in the Stealth Evangelism Program.

We are in the heart of Asia and can reach most of the nations in 4 hours or less by plane.  Example: We are 2 ½ Hrs from Hong Kong, Beijing 4 Hrs, Malaysia 3 ½ Hrs, Indonesia 3 Hrs, Viet Nam 2 ½ Hrs, Singapore 3 ½ Hrs. We are on the launching pad to missions all over Asia. It’s Calli’s and my heart that the Dunamis International School of Missions will go on for many years to come, and beyond our very own lives. We are trying to set up the organization over the next few years that will insure that the Stealth Evangelism Program will continue to be taught till the world is reached with the gospel.  It’s time to come together with strategies to reach the nations with these programs so we can fill the Kingdom of God with new born again believers. Don’t let the devil tell you it can’t be done. We can do it.

This mission center is being used to train an army of the Lord to bring millions upon millions of souls into the Kingdom. I’m asking you right now to sow into the Kingdom of God and help us pay this off, so the money we receive in the future can be used for mobile missions and more seminars and eventually we can carry this   strategic evangelism weapon to as many nations as possible.

The seed you sow will convert to men’s souls in the  Kingdom of God, praise Jesus! It’s phenomenal. Everyone that is born again because of the Stealth Evangelism Training will be a part of your harvest my friends. We will share in the salvation of the multitudes, so as the Lord leads you and I know He is going to do just that in many of your lives, make your check out to Revival Fire Ministries International, PO Box 30487, Amarillo, Texas 79120.

God is so good. Believe with us that this center will be paid in full immediately. Our God is God and He owns the cattle on a thousand hills, we just know it’s time to move to the next level. Revival is breaking out and we need your partnership to reach these billions of people. When you give, it shall be given to you good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, Amen? Remember the only thing we can take to heaven is the souls of men! Hallelujah!

We love you all,
Tony and Calli Poole, Manila, Philippines



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81



We are coming to the US!
We need places to stay!

Tony and I are coming back to the US on July 29th for about 2 ½ months. We hate to be away that long, but we have got to take care of some pressing personal matters with our old house in Amarillo and visit those precious triplets in Louisiana! Plus I know the Lord has some divine appointments He’ll surprise us with along the way!

The Lord has already supplied us with tickets (yeah sky miles!) and a loaner car (thanks to an awesome partner!) We will be in Amarillo by August 1st we think. We are still looking for places to stay in the Amarillo area (even just a week or two at a time). So if you have any space (a spare bedroom) or know of a good situation (like a prophets quarters in a church that might be available) please contact us as soon as possible. We thought we could move around so not to be a burden on anyone.

We used to stay with my mom when we were in town, she was so gracious and always loved having us, but she moved to the DFW area to be with my sister earlier this year. By the way she’s 93 now! Our daughter Kari and her husband are still in an apartment while they are building their house so we can’t really move in on top of them. Ha ha!

We will feed ourselves so don’t worry about that and we will try not to disrupt you or wear out our welcome! So please pray about helping out with this need. Hope to see many of you while we are there, no matter where we stay.

We will have a cell phone when we get there, but you can always reach us by e-mail or call us before we leave Manila @ 1-806-416-2313 (that’s a Lubbock, TX number that reaches us here in Manila).

“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
Let’s do it together!

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