Set up by the Lord!

I went to Davao, Mindanao early last month. We had a seminar there and trained a group of pastors. This was the second batch of pastors we had trained there recently. God has put it in our hearts to train pastors from all over Mindanao, as we believe for a huge revival for that Island which will ultimately spread all over the Philippines. We had some significant things happen on that trip which leads me to believe that we are on the brink of a huge revival breaking out in the churches there and that God is orchestrating some strategic maneuvers to bring this about.

It’s time for the body of Christ to raise her fist with righteous might and strike the kingdom of darkness with decisive blows that will cripple the devil’s grip on the lost throughout the world! It’s our belief that the Philippines has a strategic role in the spreading of the Gospel to all the world.

As I boarded the flight to return to Manila from Davao I sat there in a packed plane with two seats open next to me. I thought to myself, wow, maybe I can rest good with no one there. Then here they came, the last two people to board the plane. Orlan and Ellen Labrador sat down and we began getting acquainted. While in Davao I had a conversation with some pastors telling me I needed to meet Manny Pacquio, the Philippine Super Hero boxer. Manny had been born again some time back and had been helping ministries all over the Philippines. When they told me about him my spirit really witnessed with what they had said, but I had no clue how that could ever happen. Then here I sat a few hours later with one of Manny’s closest friends. HaHaHaHa! Isn’t God a real comedian at times? He really knows how to set you up doesn’t He!


Ellen Labrador

Left: Ellen Labrador receiving her award.
Right: Ellen praying with ladies as they receive Jesus in their hearts.

New National Mobile
Missions Coordinator!

After talking with them, Ellen wanted to come back and take the class. So a couple of weeks later she, her sister, and her niece came back to Manila and attended our next Stealth Evangelism seminar. She was a fireball in the spirit. She won the coveted golden metal for the best overall results and flawless presentation in the class. Ellen has now come on board with us at Dunamis and has volunteered as our new National Mobile Missions Coordinator and will be helping us set up pastor seminars all over the Philippines.

Rosanna Villahermosa

Left: Ellen’s sister Rosanna Villahermosa sharing with two young men during a class practicum.
Right: Ellen’s niece Chrysa Mae Villahermosa witnessing to a girl.

Ellen winning souls while in
Israel with Pacquio and family

llen is in Israel with Manny and his family right now. When she was to leave Davao Monday she was about to board the plane at the Davao International Airport and started witnessing to an airport policeman there. She chose to miss her flight and had to rebook another flight at a cost of P4,000 pesos because she wouldn’t leave until she had led him to the Lord. She’s unstoppable! HaHa! She called us from Davao and put the policeman on the phone for me to bless and encourage with her, then went on to lead another person to the Lord before her next flight left. Last night she called Calli & I at about 10:30pm from Israel. She had led a Muslim to the Lord and put him on the phone with me to bless and encourage, then later led Rose Fantanes the Philiippine Grand Prize Winner of the X Factor of Israel to the Lord. Wow, we could all take some lessons from her on passion! Amen? She tells us many of the people just cry and thank her for leading them to Jesus, including her own brother who she had been praying for, for many years, was born again. Praise the Lord!


Kingdom of God

Building the Kingdom
through mobile seminars!

Guys, I really know in my heart that something big is about to happen and we need more support to keep it rolling. We have opportunities to go to General Santos City in Mindanao to conduct a 50 pastor seminar, then in the neighboring province, where Manny grew up, we will do the same, as the Lord provides!

There are myself and two staff that will need to go, plus there will be a little expense on accommodations. The venues to house the pastors and the training venue will be provided by their local sponsors. So the cost for each seminar is minimal, probably no more to us than $625 for each seminar including everything on our side.

This is just the beginning ya’ll. I believe some time in the future that sponsors from the Philippines will take care of the majority of the expenses, but we are not there yet. Besides, what an opportunity all this is for those that would like to sow seed into productive soil. Imagine what the long term result of training 25 pastors and 25 leaders representing 25 churches will mean in the multiplication aspect of your seed! Each church will likely represent somewhere between 200 and 400 souls coming into the Kingdom of God each month. This will increase their individual churches by at least 30 new members each month.

Wow, ask yourself if you would like to help make that happen! Each seminar represents 10’s of thousands possibly millions of souls over the lifetime of all those pastors we train! WWWWWWWow! We really need to increase our monthly support so we can budget more mobile seminars. Folks almost every penny goes where the souls are! So, sow your seed where it will sprout souls!!

Love you all, Tony & Calli Poole



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81



Left: Pastor Sherwin witnessing to man on the street during practicum.
Right: On graduation day.

Petrified to breakthrough!

Pastor Sherwin Bangit, Word for the World Christian
Fellowship, Meycauayan, Bulacan

“I was blessed and privileged for being a part of this evangelism training! As a Pastor for about a year, the Lord helped/equipped me more as I continue to learn from our Teacher. I’ve learned that ministering to people is not really that easy, and I thank God for Dunamis that I was able to overcome the hindrances especially the fear of rejection, because I experienced it myself. At first, I was really struggling and the moment I applied the 357 Magnum presentation accurately, I saw the effectiveness of it! Though very simple, it is really powerful and potent! And among the different evangelism tools I’ve learned, this one is the best and most effective because the approach is one on one and so simple…It humbles me as I thought what I know is already enough and it proved me wrong!

“I thank God for Pastor Tony Poole, for unselfishly sharing and imparting the vision and wisdom he had from our Lord…and he had a very great impact in my life as a worker of God!!!”

Note: Pastor Sherwin was petrified during his first practicum with no presentations or souls. Fear was gripping him. So we sent him out with one of the monitors on the 2nd practicum then he had his breakthrough. He went on to be one of the best students with almost double the minimum requirement for graduation. Praise God for Pastor Sherwin!


Please pray for our grandbabies!

Little Hollynn

Left: Little Hollynn wearing Daddy’s ring as a bracelet.
Center: Hollynn Right: Brendan and Harper

Thank you all for all the prayers for our new grand babies. Nothing new to report now since I just sent out the last update, just keep them in your prayers. We are hoping to get over to see them later this year. Be praying for that as well. You can see updates as our daughter in law posts them at:

Love you all, Calli & Tony


Training Manual

Still need to pay our printer!

We received $200 towards printing the curriculum. Please help us raise the additional $1,500 to pay off the printer. This is the training manual that we will use to train 5,000 pastors and leaders with. They will win untold thousands or millions to the Lord as they take the training back to their churches and train more reapers. Please sow into these manuals so we can pay the printer and do this awesome work that will build the kingdom of God. I believe this is an incredible opportunity to sow and multiply your seed. How about you?

“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
Let’s do it together!

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