God’s Remnant!

God is constantly working with a remnant to bring Glory to Himself! When Gideon came to the Lord for help he didn’t get what he thought he was asking for. We in our natural minds think from a natural view point and ability to perceive the achievement of our goal. God on the hand moves and make things happen on a supernatural basis that far exceeds our natural capability to perceive and understand. Gideon could see an enemy army of 120,000 soldiers and his solution was to match up or exceed that number of soldiers for his army to prevail. God on the other hand knew a better way! Amen? So the Lord in His wisdom, shrunk down Gideon’s Army from 30,000 men to 300 to defeat the overwhelming army of the enemy. Guess what? Gideon won the battle with his remnant of 300 and there is no question of Who got the Glory!

The gathering of the Remnant!

Today, we have the largest battle going on that the earth and the heavens have ever seen! It’s the battle for more than 6 Billion lost souls on this earth. The enemy has been developing his army for centuries through his lies and deception. With 9/10’s of the population of the world lost, victory looks impossible, at least from an earthly perspective. This is where God’s Remnant is being gathered for the final quest! This is where we as believers must realize that God is about to make some dynamic changes in the paradigm of what we are doing to reach the lost. When Jesus spoke the Great Commission at the end of Matthew 28, He said, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations…” He was not making a suggestion. He was giving a commandment to make disciples of all the nations. It does not say make disciples in all the nations! We have watered down the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ to the point that there is not much sense of urgency about reaching the unreached, which is an incredible number of people worldwide. The amount of money that is sent into the mission field for the reaching of these lost souls is a fraction of 1% of the overall mission’s budget of most churches, yet Jesus commissioned us to prioritize making disciples of all the nations.

God is putting His Remnant together right now! The Remnant will propagate the spreading of the Gospel into every nation of the world. I can tell you right now everyone is not part of the Remnant. The Remnant are those that are not afraid of the economic conditions in this time, and have faith to believe with all their heart that when they give, it shall be given unto them, good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, just as the Bible says!

The Remnant are those that when they go into battle they are vigilant and have their eyes open scanning for the snares of the enemy and are constantly on guard! God will use the Remnant to win every nation in this world, Amen? God will take His Remnant and win the world! Praise God! I pray that many of you will seek to be a part of the God’s Remnant whether you’re a pastor, leader, or a member you can make a difference!

Fires of Evangelism in Mindanao

We returned to Davao to train our 2nd batch of pastors and leaders on April 29th thru May 2nd. We can feel momentum building already in that they are now preparing for the third Stealth Evangelism Program in Davao. Praise God they are arranging for 50 more Pastors and leaders for the next Batch of trainees. That means 25 Senior Pastors and 25 leaders. We have plenty of monitors down there now to do the larger seminar. This will help us start making a larger impact on Mindanao Island, which has been prophesied to be the gateway to the nations.

Urgent Needs for Big opportunities!

In addition to Davao a group of pastors in Cagayan de Oro City also on Mindanao Island, are scheduling a training for 50 pastors and leaders there. Then we already have another invitation for Pagadian City also on Mindanao which will probably happen in June or July. We may be able to run some of those together in one trip so we can save on the transportation costs. Two for one! We have the staff and materials to do them, but we need approximately $1,600.00 for transportation and help for the host pastors for food and lodging for the attending pastors. As you can see we are going to need some help!!!!!!, Amen?

By the way, each seminar will generate about 3,000 souls during the practicums. That’s 5,000 to 6,000 souls for very little cost! Is there anyone out there that will give $1,600 for 6,000 souls to have eternal life with Christ? This does not include the long term results of perpetual soul winning in the churches that begins! If you want to help you can send your gift to the Lord either online through our website donation page, or send your gift to Revival Fire Ministries Inc. (RFMI) PO Box 30487, Amarillo, TX 79120.

Love you all, Tony & Calli

Special Note:
I know that lots of people think we are fully funded for all this ministry! We are currently budgeted for one seminar each month. That means we have to raise the money every month for the additional seminars. Calli and I support this ministry with our own social security and a small rental income. All goes to keep the doors open. We are glad to, but it’s not enough. We need additional monthly support. I’m not asking you for anything that God wouldn’t have you give to make sure we can train as many pastors as we can every month. Please pray and ask Him how you can help. God bless!



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81


Pastor Larry Borja

Pastor Larry sharing Jesus with young girl on the street!

“It amazed me!”

Pastor Larry Borja, Senior Pastor,
Rock Church of the Philippines, Quezon City

We (our local church) have learned a lot of methods of evangelism which we used in the past. But Stealth Evangelism is quite different. Basing on our actual presentations during practicums, I can truly and honestly say that this is far better and effective tool in winning souls for Christ. It never happened in my more than 20 years in the ministry that I won 20 souls for the Lord in 3 days, in a total of only 8 hours during 4 practicums. I know that it is not a satisfactory result/achievement based on Dunamis standards, but it amazed me and I thank the Lord for that. I am grateful to God for using Dunamis International School of Missions to enhance/improve my skills in evangelism.
God bless you.


Pastor Buddy Maravilla

Pastor Buddy leading a man to the Lord on practicum!

“A new Soul Reaper was born!”

Pastor Buddy Maravilla, Senior Pastor,
Ascended Christ Church, Antipolo City

I am grateful to God for Dunamis International School of Missions and for being a part of Batch 83 of its Stealth Evangelism training. The training materials, the workshop, and the practicum have impacted me personally. Honestly, I was in my comfort zone for quite some time, yet hungry for living a life that pleases my Lord Jesus Christ. Stealth Evangelism sharpened my soul winning techniques and my passion for souls has been renewed! My boldness got stronger because of a very sharp and so practical witnessing tool of Dunamis’ Stealth Evangelism. As we graduated in this seminar, my workers and I are on fire, ready to plant a new daughter church, Hallelujah. I will surely keep in touch with Dunamis International School of Missions. My heartfelt thanks to Pastor Tony Poole and his staff. God bless you!



donate now

In U.S. Send your tax deductable contribution to:

Revival Fire Ministries International

P.O. Box 30487

Amarillo, TX 79120

In Philippines, deposit directly in BPI account:

Bank : Bank of the Philippine Island

Account Name: Dunamis International School of Missions

Account No. : 1761-0035-81


“Win the Philippines! Win the World!”
Let’s do it together!

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